James Harrison is Back !

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
I don't know if James gets thrown into the mix right off the start but I'm glad he's back. When asked, Tomlin said he will need to evaluate his physical condition and his mental state of the game. Too bad for the reason he needs to return but I would like to add, " with Harrison & Porter chirping in the young guys ears this has to be a good thing. "
And another thing, I wonder if Goodell will be quick to fine Harrison this second time around. Harrison laughed at Goodells situation and I'm glad. Harrison would have spoken his mind retired or not and I dig that about him. Ha, ha I wonder if Goodell will think twice about putting it to Harrison if given the chance with Mr. Rooney being one of the two overseers of Goodell problems at hand ?
oops, sorry for the double post. I just seen there was another Harrison post on this board. I even looked for it prior to me starting this one.