Jamaican Twist Ponytail – Quick Natural Hair TRANSFORMATION

By Girlratesworld @girlratesworld

This Jamaican Twist Ponytail is the only thing you need for a quick and easy hair transformation. It’s a drawstring ponytail by Equal FreeTress. It comes in several colors and costs about $10. It’s a great on-hand-hair-piece for natural hair. It’s also great for someone who likes to change up their hair quickly. Hair transformations anyone?

Natural Hair Transformation in 2 Minutes

The Solange and Janet Jackson Poetic Justice braids is very hot and trendy at the moment. Once the spring and summer seasons roll around, these casual and easy to do hair styles are a must-have. The best part is…You don’t have to suffer through hours and hours of styling time. This drawstring ponytail literally takes 2 minutes to install.

Poetic Justice, Solange & Patra Braids for Less

The long, box braids look was big during the 90s. The braids would take hours (and sometimes days) to install and were pricey (some would pay over $100 ). Now, in 2015, it’s only an investment of a few minutes and $10 bucks. I must say that is amazing. Keep the Jamaican Twist Ponytail in mind for Halloween Costume Ideas in 2015. I can see this being used in a Michonne from Walking Dead costume too.

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