Jacob’s Ladder

Posted on the 08 August 2020 by Steveawiggins @stawiggins

Jacob, it is said, was quite a dreamer.While fleeing from his brother Esau he had a dream of a ladder, or stairway, to heaven.Well, “Heaven” as we recognize it didn’t exist then, but you get the idea.Angels were climbing up and down on it, I’m guessing to do roof repairs.You see, neither my wife nor I are what you might call tall.In fact, I’m a bit shorter than the average guy and we can’t reach the top shelf in our kitchen, let alone the ceiling.Or, God forbid, the roof.So when tropical storm Isaias (not to be confused with the prophet) dropped upwards of five inches of rain on us, some of it got inside.Our roofer, vexed as I was, promised to get over the next week but there’s more rain in the forecast.I had to get up there to do some temporary patching.I needed a ladder.

Ours is an older house.The roof is way higher than any ladder we have.I have one that allows me to get as high as the ceiling, but being acrophobic I don’t use it much.It doesn’t come halfway to the lowest roof.The hardware stores have ladders, but delivery’s a problem.A ladder twice as long as our car seems like a road hazard, strapped to the top.I asked about delivery at the local Lowe’s.It would cost a third of the price again of the ladder itself, and that’s only be if they could deliver it.Their truck was, ironically, broken down.Wasn’t this a DIY store?Could nobody there fix a truck?I put a face-mask and rubber gloves on for this?The world isn’t easy for the vertically challenged.I really don’t want to climb that high, but with the ceiling below already coming down I’ve got to do something.

I wonder if Jacob’s ladder is still lying about somewhere, unused.We don’t live far from Bethlehem.Maybe I can scoot over the Bethel and pick it up.Then again, maybe angels deliver.I hear they can be quite accommodating.Of course, if they’d keep the rain off in the first place that would’ve been helpful.I’m pretty sure that Plant and/or Page had a leaky roof.When they went to get up there they’d found somebody had already purchased the ladder (I think they call it a stairway in England).So I find myself with a leaky roof and no way to get to heaven.