J'adore Kampot

By Leonoras

There is so much that we adore about Kampot: the peace and serenity of our lovely Dutch-owned guesthouse perched right up against the river, bumping along dirt drives on our motorbike narrowly avoiding ambush by 'Hello! Hello!' chanting children, the delicate spice of the Kampot-pepper chicken that graces nearly every supper, and the overwelmingly vibrant sunsets that make us look up from our ritual evening pool game and rush for the camera. 

This quiet port town on Cambodia's south-eastern coast feels a little bit like our beloved Ubud pre-discovery by the masses. Rice paddies as far as the eye can see, rich farmland dotted with cows, water buffalo and thatch homes, a quietly bustling town filled with far more locals that tourists, and just enough activities and exploration potential to make us feel like we're not just wiling our days away in a peaceful slumber. 

Jesse is taking kitesurfing lessons on the ocean, and I've been busying myself with more writing. We often spend our mornings at a wonderful little cafe in town called Epic Arts, which provides work opportunities for the deaf and disabled community in Kampot as well as truly gorgeous breakfasts, our afternoons enjoying the countryside then holed up on a veranda sheltering from the thunderous daily rains, and our evenings in town, wandering along the riverside and popping into a cafe for a quick dinner of seafood, my favorite Cambodian fish amok, or the occasional burger. 

It's a lovely place this. Full of life, culture and a simple beauty, it's a town blossoming in the wake of the ugly history that continues to permeate so much of this country. While the growth and rebirth of places like this ultimately means good things for Cambodia as a whole and the wonderful people who live here, we feel selfishly lucky to be experiencing it now still somewhat untouched. 

This quiet little place has found a place in our hearts as one of our favorite stops on the trip so far. Only wish we could dig in our heels, lay down the backpacks and visit a bit longer.