It's Only a Matter of Time

By Golfrefugees

It’s only a matter of time. Coming too a fairway near you.
What is responsible manufacturing? For textiles it can be described as paying a living wage to workers, recycling and treating toxic dye water during the colouring process and using renewable energy to power factories reducing CO2 emissions.
But there is a big problem with responsible manufacturing, consumers cannot see it. They can’t see any immediate benefit from purchasing a responsibly made polo shirt. They can only see brands marketing and sponsorship activities.
Should any business choose responsible manufacturing? It is more expensive, as you have addition expenditure reducing the pollution from your manufacturing facilities. This additional manufacturing expenditure will have an affect by reducing the amount of money you can spend elsewhere on marketing. That’s why highly profitable apparel brands ignore responsible manufacturing.
When sportswear brands compete to sign top athletes the irresponsible have a financial advantage over the responsible and are able to offer more money to sports stars. Obviously sports stars and their management companies could seek out more environmentally friendly sponsors, but as they are paid to achieve the maximum financial package, this goes out of the window. To create a level playing field brands should have to prove they are responsible and if not pay an environmental levy as recompense for their polluting practices.

Please note the pictured polo shirt by Golf Refugees recycles 90% of its dye coloured water and reduces CO2 emissions by over 90%.