Tanzanian singer Aslay has assured fans he’s doing okay after a rather scaring moment when he fell of stage while performing in Kisumu.Taking to social media, the singer told fans that celebrities falling of stage is not something new and happens once in a while.“It’s normal for celebrities and performers to encounter some challenging moments while on stage and mine came through yesterday, I slipped on stage but miraculously I wasn’t hurt,” he said.
‘It’s Normal for Celebrities to Fall of Stage’ Aslay Message to Fans After Falling off Stage in Kisumu
Posted on the 13 November 2018 by Jdymisster @jdymissterTanzanian singer Aslay has assured fans he’s doing okay after a rather scaring moment when he fell of stage while performing in Kisumu.Taking to social media, the singer told fans that celebrities falling of stage is not something new and happens once in a while.“It’s normal for celebrities and performers to encounter some challenging moments while on stage and mine came through yesterday, I slipped on stage but miraculously I wasn’t hurt,” he said.