It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 8 July 2019

By Whatsheread

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? Button

" data-orig-size="474,356" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" aperture="aperture" /> Hosted by Kathryn from Book Date, “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” is a weekly event to share what we’ve read in the past week and what we hope to read, plus whatever else comes to mind. Here is what I read the week ending 8 July 2019. To learn more about each book, click on the book cover!

Is anyone still out there? I did not mean to disappear for two months, but life finally caught up with me. It got so that the last thing I wanted to do during what little free time I had was to write posts or worry about content. Plus, work refused to let up with its demands. The 2019 dance season officially ended on the 2nd of this month, and I *think* I might have my workload under control. If so, this is the first time in almost a year. The last two months continued to be a whirlwind of dance, one work crisis after another, visitors, more dance, more work, end-of-school craziness, and even more dance. Even though Holly starts her summer dance classes today, I feel like things are slowing down enough to allow me to breathe and write again. We shall see.


I definitely did not stop reading during my unexpected sabbatical. I finished fourteen books while I was incommunicado. Some were excellent; others were less so. I do plan to publish my thoughts on all twenty-two books I have yet to review. I am still trying to figure out the best way to do so. That’s a lot of books, and some I finished in April. I hope I can scrounge up at least a few lasting impressions of them all!



I have not listened to a single minute of my audiobook in three months, but I got tired of showing the same damn book on this list. I will finish it, even if it is the only audiobook I finish this year.


What are you reading?