It’s Monday! What Are You Reading – 5 January 2015

By Whatsheread

Hosted by Sheila from Book Journey, this is a weekly event to share what we’ve read in the past week and what we hope to read, plus whatever else comes to mind.

Finished Last Week:

I love being on vacation. It means getting things done that have needed doing for a while. It means getting caught up on all of the little stuff. Most importantly, it means late nights of reading without feeling guilty or without the early wake-up call. While I didn’t read as much as I might have liked, the week off to do whatever I wanted was pure heaven.

Could Not Finish:

Thankfully none.

Currently Reading:

Currently Listening:

This has been on hold while I was on vacation. Now that I’m back at work, I should speed through the last half of the fun and fascinating behind-the-scenes story.

Up Next:

What are you reading?