It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 27 August 2018

By Whatsheread

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? Button

" data-orig-size="474,356" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" aperture="aperture" /> Hosted by Kathryn from Book Date, this is a weekly event to share what we’ve read in the past week and what we hope to read, plus whatever else comes to mind. Here is what I read the week ending 27 August 2018. To learn more about each book, just click on the book cover!

When you don’t have much else to distract you, reading occurs. I like it. I feel like I made a lot of progress among my review copies. I would love to finish July’s outstanding copies before we hit September. Can I do it? We shall see!


Book Cover Image: Eden by Andrea Kleine

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Book Cover Image: Changeless by Gail Carriger

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Book Cover Image: Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott

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I have mixed feelings about the Andrea Kleine novel. I kept waiting for answers, even suffering through pseudo-intellectual, philosophical dialogue that I personally feel is so unrealistic and pretentious. I did get some answers but not all were satisfying. I get that this is Ms. Kleine’s point, but it rankles nonetheless.

The second book in Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate series more than makes up for the rash of mediocre books that I read in the last few weeks. Emily Gray is a delightful narrator, and I can only imagine the amount of fun she had bringing Alexia Tarabotti and Conall Maccon to life. I know there were scenes that had me literally laughing out loud, and this is a re-read for me. Any bad day was instantly made better by a foray into Alexia’s world.

Megan Abbott’s latest is amazing. I pretty much loved everything about it. Women in science, PMDD discussions, lack of medical research specifically for women, female rivalries – any woman working will be able to relate to at least some part of it. Plus, I had no idea where it was going to go. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. That’s what you want in a good thriller!


Book Cover Image: The Garden Party by Grace Dane Mazur

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At first, I was not going to declare Ms. Mazur’s newest novel as a DNF. The writing is so gorgeous that I was loathed to make that decision. Unfortunately, this quiet novel about two very different families coming together at the rehearsal dinner for their children’s pending wedding made me slightly ill in how she shows the true feelings of all dinner guests, the snide comments to each other about the other family, and so forth. She has a point on how awkward it is for two different families to be arbitrarily joined together because of a marriage, but I was not ready or willing to read about the awkwardness. The world is so shitty right now with everyone feeling the need to bash everyone else that the idea of reading a novel wherein there was more negative commentary directed towards strangers was more than I was willing to stomach.


Book Cover Image: Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage

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Book Cover Image: The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck by Sarah Knight

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Book Cover Image: The World of All Souls by Deborah Harkness

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Book Cover Image: Blameless by Gail Carriger

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Another re-read, but I am going to finish the series.


July Review Copies:

Book Cover Image: Contagion by Erin Bowman

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Book Cover Image: Grace and Fury by Tracy Banghart

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August Review Copies:

Book Cover Image: Rust & Stardust by T. Greenwood

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Book Cover Image: Nine by Zach Hines

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Book Cover Image: These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch

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Book Cover Image: Bad Man by Dathan Auerbach

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Book Cover Image: #murdertrending by Gretchen McNeil

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Book Cover Image: Temper by Nicky Drayden

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Book Cover Image: The Kill Jar by J. Reuben Appelman

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Book Cover Image: Vox by Christina Dalcher

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Book Cover Image: Playing to the Gods by Peter Rader

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Book Cover Image: Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

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So, what are you reading?