It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 19 March 2018

By Whatsheread

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? Button

" data-orig-size="474,356" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" aperture="aperture" /> Hosted by Kathryn from Book Date, this is a weekly event to share what we’ve read in the past week and what we hope to read, plus whatever else comes to mind. Here is what I read the week ending 19 February 2018. To learn more about each book, just click on the book cover!

I finally finished my audiobook. I am so happy to be able to put that one down as read. I enjoyed every word of it, but it took me so long to finish it that I cannot help but feel it was becoming a bit of an albatross. That I finished the other novels this week is a surprise given Connor was home and Holly had another dance competition this weekend, but I’ll take it!


Book Cover Image: The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw

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Book Cover Image: White Trash by Nancy Isenberg

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Book Cover Image: The Red Word by Sarah Henstra

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Shea Ernshaw’s novel not only put the most recent books I have read to shame, it smashed them to bits. This creepy story about 200-year-old vengeful ghosts made me drop all plans I had for the evening as I literally read this until I was done. Powerful, poignant, romantic, and lovely, it makes me hope my next few reads will be just as amazing.

I finished my audiobook! It only took me three months to do so, but who is counting? Honestly, I loved every minute I listened to Ms. Isenberg’s insightful research into our class society. She not only got me thinking about my own prejudices in this area, but she raised some great points about our so-called democracy and its founding. Her research is so thorough and she makes her points so well that I can easily see this book become supplementary reading in any U.S. history class. Her findings also help explain how a certain someone was elected and remains popular in spite of his well-publicized failings as a human being. It may have taken me forever to finish it, but I learned so much from every chapter. (Is anyone as devastated as I was about her information about Alex Haley, or am I the only person alive who did not already know that bombshell?) I have already all but begged Jim to listen to it on his commute so that we can discuss what she has to say about the poor throughout history. I highly recommend this to everyone.

Sarah Henstra’s novel is rough. I think I read it in a fog because if I read it too closely I would not be able to finish it. A timely and erudite, if not at times pretentious, look at rape culture on college campuses, Ms. Henstra spares absolutely nothing in showing, well, anything. Her story is brutal, honest, and hyper-aware. There are going to be many people who are not going to be able to read it, not just because of the sexual violence she depicts but also because rape is the proverbial elephant in the room. When the girls are not talking about it, they are thinking about it. Every interaction between one of the girls and any boy comes with a tinge of fear at the possibility that violence and particularly violent, non-consensual sex could ensue. While it is an important novel for the #metoo movement, it may be a little too tough to read for it to gain in popularity.




Book Cover Image: The Flight Attendant by Chris Bohjalian

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March Review Copies:

Book Cover Image: Let Me Lie by Claire Mackintosh

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Book Cover Image: A Guide for Murdered Children by Sarah Sparrow

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Book Cover Image: The Broken Girls by Simone St. James

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Book Cover Image: I Was Anastasia by Ariel Lawhon

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Book Cover Image: The Balcony by Jane Delury

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Book Cover Image: Glimpse by Jonathan Maberry

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So, what are you reading?