It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 16 January 2017

By Whatsheread
Hosted by Kathryn from Book Date, this is a weekly event to share what we’ve read in the past week and what we hope to read, plus whatever else comes to mind. To learn more about each book, just click on the book cover!
It is one week into the new year. How are you doing on your resolutions?


Randall Silvis’ latest novel is the first of his I have read. I was completely blown away by his writing style as well as the story. The story is horrific, but his prose is like sinking into a warm bath – warm and comforting. Even his most gruesome passages were beautiful. I want to explore all of his books now to see if they are just as well-written and powerful.

Adam Silvera’s novel is equally powerful. Both novels deal with loss, but one is just a little more…adult than the other. Mr. Silvera’s hero is so young, and it shows in every thought he shares and every one of his actions. There is nothing wrong with this, as it makes for a story even us older readers will enjoy. Mr. Silvera reminds readers all too well what it feels like to love and lose that love when you are a teenager.

Emma Flint’s novel is tragic and infuriating as it portrays the double standard that exists for women, especially mothers. It is well worth the hype.


The one caught my eye at BEA, and I’ve been anxiously awaiting the chance to finally read it.


Slow progress is progressing. I will finish this. I will.


I have to rethink my entire reading list now that the Tournament of Books shortlist was released. So this is TBD.

So, what are you reading?


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