It's About the Light . . .

By Vickilane

Someone asked me on Facebook the other day if I'd ever thought about doing a photography workshop. I had to be honest and say I don't even understand f stops and always shoot on the automatic settings -- and only some of them.  My camera (a Nikon D 90) does all the work -- and could do more if I'd apply myself to learn its ways. 
One of the few things I know is that I get better pictures in early morning or late afternoon --when there's light and shadow.  And that flowers generally look better with the light behind them.  
Judicious cropping, courtesy of the Picasa app (free download) is the other thing I rely on. I was about to delete the day lily pic below because the right side was blurry. Then I noticed the glowing orange of the opening bloom on the left. A few seconds with the cropping tool and I had, not a great picture, but one that I liked better.

 These next two pictures were taken around 10:30 AM -- I was in the garden pulling weeds -- and the light's too direct. The flowers look flat. I need to catch them with the light coming through them, if possible.

But I was so excited to see them bloom. These are the California poppies from seeds my friend Josie sent me. They didn't get planted last year but I found a spot for them this year and here they are -- first time I've ever grown this flower.

Thank you, Josie!