It’s a New Year… Time for Some Resolutions!

By Staceycurcio @staceymccosker

What would a health blog be without a mention of New Year’s Resolutions?! I realise it’s almost February, but better late then never right? Goal setting can happen at ANY time of the year.

Question… How many of you have not only set, but written down, your new year’s resolutions? Evidence suggests that as few as 8% of all New Year’s resolutions are actually achieved. Seth Godin states that, “New Year’s resolutions rarely work, because good intentions don’t often survive a collision with reality”. Sad, but true.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to help make sure your goals become a reality. First, you must make them SMART:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Achievable
  4. Realistic
  5. Time Sensitive

For example, instead of “I want to lose 10kg”, set a more tangible realistic goal such as “I will exercise for 45 minutes at least three times a week, and will not drink any soft drink or alcohol for the next week”. Once you have achieved that, you can set another goal such as “I will increase my exercise to four days a week, reduce my portion size at dinner, and have more protein at breakfast”.  Making small, yet realistic goals will give you FAR better outcomes.

It’s also super important to be around people who are willing to support you through periods of change and challenge. This may be a health professional, personal trainer, partner, work colleague, family member or friend. Be accountable to someone other than yourself, and never underestimate the power of your environment and those around you to support or sabotage your success.

Always write down your goals. I know most of your have heard this a million times before, but it works! A written goal brings clarity and focus; and gives you a direction. Look at your goals often, and amend them as you achieve them and they become reality. Once you have achieved your goals, celebrate your success with non-food rewards such as a massage, new shoes, some fresh flowers, or movie tickets.

Finally, forgive your failures. So you didn’t get to the gym like you’d planned… don’t stress about it! How about 5 minutes of stretching instead?  Move on, remember that life rewards those who work at it, and when everything seems like an uphill struggle… just think of the view from the top!

Until next time, Stacey.