Is Your Home a Safe House?

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

The term safe houses come from the idea of having somewhere to go that provides shelter and safety from problems and pursuers. However, most of us are lucky enough that we don’t need to use an official safe house in our lives.

But it is important that the house we live in is safe. What with the threats of break-ins and the problems extreme weather conditions can create, home safety can become a major issue. So how can you make sure that your property is not vulnerable to problems like this? Read on to find out.

Flooding Safety

Is your home is located on low ground, with the possibility of heavy rainfall or a river bursting its banks? Then it’s likely that you will be concerned with the possibility of flooding. Floods can cause a lot of damage to a home as well as making unsafe for the residents to live there.

Preparing for flood safety includes ensuring that you have sandbags on hand. You should also have a well-rehearsed emergency plan, in case the water level get too high too quickly. It can help to keep a two-way radio or walkie-talkie with you so you can notify the authorities where to look if they need to come and pick you up.

Wind Safety

For those living in tropical or plains conditions, the wind can be a major home safety issue. Strong gusts can lift off tiles and damage cladding. While tornadoes can cause risk to life as they destroy everything in their path.

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Ensuring safety during high winds will depend on where you are living. If you have a home with a basement, it can be a good idea to take refuge there until the worst is over with. It can also make sense to take up windows and glass doors, so any broken glass does not shatter all over your home.

Snow Safety

The last safety element that we need to address when talking about the weather is snow safety. A significant amount of America can expect heavy snowfall in the winter. This can create all sorts of problems from being cut off, to structural issues in the home.

Firstly be prepared for the bad weather by doing your repairs when the weather is still good. Then you can check that all of your load bearing structures will stand the weight of a heavy snowfall.


You should also have some emergency food sticks and water in case you get cut off from the nearest town by the snow and you can get your vehicle out.


Unfortunately, it’s not only the weather that can cause people problems with the home safety. These can also be caused by people trying to break into your property as well.

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A burglary is not something that should be taken lightly. In fact, it can cause a lot of lasting problems that go way beyond the loss of material possessions.

It can be psychologically disturbing to know that a stranger can get into your home without much trouble. That is why a lot of people pout in home security measures. The most popular of these being the CCTV camera.

A CCTV camera works in a two-fold way. First, it acts a deterrent as it’s much harder for invaders to break in knowing that they run the risk of being identified by the video footage of them. It also means that if there is a break, then it’s easy to track them down after the fact.


Another popular security measure for the home is the use of a system like a Frontpoint alarm. The idea is that movement in the house in monitored so anything that is unexpected like a break-in will be picked up. Then the system will alert you and your security company so fast action can be taken.

Home security experts know that just the sight of an alarm system can dissuade burglars from choosing your property. This is because they would rather move on to somewhere with easier pickings instead of running the risk of being caught in the act.


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Another effective way of increased home security is making sure that your property is surrounded by the proper fencing. By having your fence in good condition, you can discourage people from getting onto your property easily. Making it much harder for them to break into your home and other buildings on your land.

Combine this with good lighting too, to really make it hard for them. Then you can rest assured that you have taken all the necessary precautions in protecting your home and family.