Is Tiger Gay?

By Golfrefugees
Is Tiger gay?

Probably not a question you’re likely to hear.

But why not?

After reading a survey from 300,000 golf club members there were numerous commentators using the data to support the changing nature of the once, elitist, rich golf club membership.

However one piece of data shouted out, 86% of the respondents were male. Not much change in the gender gap of golf club membership.

But why not?

I did my own little survey and popped into my local golf club and asked the young lads in the pro shop what they thought of the Ladies European Tour.

The consensus was ‘bunch of lesbians’.

I then asked if they’ve ever questioned the sexuality of Tiger, Phil, Luke, Rory.......

And one of them turned to me and asked
‘Are you a queer?’

So there you are. Old habits die hard.
