Introvert Or Extrovert?

By Rubytuesday
My sister lived in Australia for 12 years And came back to live with us a couple of years agoShe was going through a hard time Battling depression and anxiety And wanted to be at home Personally I was delighted she came home As I get on very well with her But I did notice a lot of changes in her She had a lot less energy And she craved quietness and warmthWe live in a bungalow But we have two bedrooms renovated upstairsAnd my sisters bedroom is one of those She calls it her 'Nest'It's very silent up there And warm And she regularly retreats there to have a nap Or to watch something on her laptopSometimes I get texts asking me to go up and visit her And often I'll get in to the bed with her I enjoy the coziness But that's where the similarities endWhen I get up in the morning The first thing I do is turn on the radio Often times I turn it on while snoozing in bed I like the radio And it's constantly on here at home However When my sister comes in The first thing she does is turn off the radioI like it because it's background noise And it takes me away from my own thoughts Which may or may not be negativeI like to have something else to focus onTo take me away from myself and my own little worries My sister can't stand noise of any kind And craves peace and quiet Anyway Where am I going with this?Yes My sister posted a pic on FB about extroverts and introverts And the difference between the twoShe identifies as an introvert And that got me thinking about what I am I definitely don't fit neatly in to one category I guess like everyone There are times when I am an extrovert And times when I am an introvert As I tend to be pretty quiet around people i don't know And louder and more gregarious around people I do know I also tend to find it easier to talk to strangers for some reasonI think I can put people in to categories I was bullied for a while as s child By girls from the rougher and tougher tech school This school was near my house So I passed these girls every day on the way home from school It was nothing serious Mainly bitchy comments A few pushesThey tried hard to scare me And it worked to a certain extent But ever since then Girls like this have made me feel uneasy What girls?Well girls who are rough Loud Often very prettyAnd definitely intimidating I can identify them immediately And I revert back to being that scared school girl Because of this As a teenager I often sought out boyfriends and friends who were the male equivalent of these girls So I had someone on my side And I may even be accepted by said girls As some of you will know Bullying can really damage self esteem and confidence Before these incidents I was well on my way to becoming an extrovert But that wasn't to be And I ended up the way I ended up But now I put people in to categories And that's not a good thing Everyone should be equal And it would be nice if that were always the way But it's notAt least for me anyway Now I am an extrovert trapped in an introverts body I would love to be myself more But often I let shyness and lack of confidence swallow me up This is one of the reasons I love blogging As I find it much easier to communicate through the written word Rather than speakingBut I guess a lot of people are like that 
So With all that said And I have covered a lot in this short post I was wondering about you Do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?Are you a bit of both? Have you been bullied love me me ?How did it effect you in later life?Answers on a postcard please....