Into the Future...

By Townhousepalette @townhousepal

It feels just like yesterday it was 2014 and I was killing sophomore year...Now with 2016 underway, I think it time to talk about the future. I always avoided the future by saying things like it is about the present, think about the present and to be honest, it is really not the best way to live.
Imagine being a forest, wondering around trees and trudging through dirt. Basically, you are lost, but you believe if you continues on your path, aimlessly walking around, you will eventually get out. Then you think about where you want to go and what you want to do and, then, a magical pathway appears and guides you out.
That was a pretty weak example, but I hope you got the point ^_^ I am trying to say that without planning how will one live? Anyways I wanted to share my New Year resolutions with you and I trying to make them more realistic after reading Michelle Phan's post here.
  1. Make more blog friends and keep in touch with my blog friends I already have.
  2. Limit my to-do list. Write only five to-dos a day.
  3. Stop procrastinating by limiting internet time everyday.
  4. Start minimizing my closet. 
  5. Get into College ^_^ 
That is it basically...Again, sorry I have been MIA for the past two weeks. I have just had a lot on my plate these past few weeks. However, I am feeling a lot better now and ready to start posting again!
Before I bounce, I would love to hear all of your resolutions for 2016! So, leave them in the comments below and I will get back to you.