Inspired Blogger Award + 7 Fun & Random Facts

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Last week, the lovely Erica from Erica Finds gave me an Inspired Blogger Award!

Thanks, Erica!! (Erica’s blog is awesome, btw. Highly recommend you check it out, especially if you like learning about new brands, products and deals!)

So about the Inspired Blogger Award! It’s a fun way to celebrate the blogosphere and spread the love to other blogs. The rules allow you to get to know me a little better and allow me to introduce you to some bloggers I love! So what say you? Shall we get into the rules?

Ready for some fun facts about the gal behind this here blog? Let’s do it! 

Fact 1: I work fulltime as a copywriter at an ad agency in NYC. If you watch Mad Men, I do what Peggy Olsen does.

Fact 2: Despite opposition from pretty much everyone I know I’m a Dallas Cowboys fan. Sorry, Dad.

Fact 3: I recently laughed at this.

Fact 4: I sometimes jealous of Mark Wahlberg and Harrison Ford. My boyfriend has man-crushes on them. I’m talking seriously legit crushes. If either one of them ever hit on him, I’d be in trouble.

Fact 5: My favorite number is 31. That was Mike Piazza’s number back when he was catching for the Mets. Now I love David Wright. I even got to meet him once! Look! We’re in love.

Fact 6: I have an irrational fear of vomit. It’s not that I just don’t like it (because, really, who likes vomit?), it’s that I I can’t deal with it. I get very anxious if I think someone around me might throw up, and even more anxious if I think I might throw up. This is gross. Why am I talking about this? Let’s move on. Bleh.

Fact 7: I can make a water droplet noise with my mouth. Sometimes, when I’m sitting in a meeting and everyone is just waiting in awkward silence for it to start, I make the noise and watch as everyone looks around trying to figure out what’s dripping. 

There you have it! 7 fun facts about me. We’re pretty much biffles now!

I’m giving out a blogger award! Find out who won & tell me which bloggers inspire you!
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Now for my nominations! I hitherto use my power as an Inspired Blogger Award Recipient to bestow the Inspired Blogger Award upon….

  1. A Whisk and Two Wands
  2. Confessions of a Mother Runner
  3. Cotter Crunch
  4. Delights & Delectables
  5. Eat Pray Run DC
  6. Eats & Exercise by Amber
  7. Fitness & The City
  8. Fuel Your Future With Tina
  9. GiGi Eats Celebrities
  10. Jill Conyers
  11. Lauren’s Glass Slipper
  12. Mar On The Run 
  13. The Blonder Side of Life
  14. The Skinny on Health
  15. You Signed Up For What?!

Head on over to their blogs and check them out!

As for my nominees, join in if you are up for it, but no worries if you aren’t into it – just bask in the joy of “winning” and knowing that you inspire me!

What’s one fun and random fact about you?

Also, don’t forget to enter the Kodiak Cakes GIVEAWAY! Head on over here for details and/or enter below!

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