Inspiration Of The Day: Kalongkong Hiker’s Red Carpet Lane

By Thesilentpal @thesilentpal

If you are one those dudes that go to work on a bike, then you can relate to this picture. This is our version of fast lane and feel free to create your own. If you are smart enough and already been doing this, I salute you. Please be careful though as we still need to follow road traffic even though we are riding a non-motorized vehicle. When I am riding my bike I got to see a lot of cars and not to mention I get to overtake them and lot of them when in a traffic jam. Haha! That’s so true, right bikers?

In riding my bike I feel energize and my happy energy called “Oxytocin” is like my NOS. This happy hormone is the one fueling me to push harder as I kick my medals and my fats are burned up. As you can you see, my body fats runs my bike on the other hand car drivers needs to buy gas and then sometimes they became fat. Just my 2 scents. What do you think?

Yeah, I encourage you to Ride a Bike because Gas nowadays really sucks because it goes up and down but usually it goes up and up most of the time. But if we want to promote biking in the Philippines we must encourage our government to create infrastructure for bikers also as you can see on the picture below. If we had this, here everywhere in the Philippines it would be greener and pollution free country. See it to be inspired.

Please support “We Want Bike Lanes Movement in the Philippines”.

Photo grabbed from We Want Bike Lanes Facebook Page.