Individual Lash Extensions | The Pros & Cons

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey There,

I’ve always been one to wear a lot of mascara, and in recent years become a fan of the false eye lashes. As lets face it, no mascara will do for you what a pair of Eyelure 101s will. And now I’m moving on the Individual Lash Extensions.

I’ve been doing Lash Extensions since 2011, so they aren’t necessarily a ‘new thing’. But in recent months I’ve seen their popularity grow, and I’ve even jumped on board. I first tried them out, as I wanted to be able to give my clients advise from my own personal experience, not just from what the Lash Company said. It also meant they could see what the lashes looked like before having them done. But instead I got a little attached, (No pun intended). When you say Lash Extensions, most people assume it will be very fake and false looking, and when I think of the cluster lashes we used at college, they probably were. But these individual lashes are far from it. It actually takes a long time to achieve a false look with these lashes. Where they are literally individual lashes, attached to your own lash, they look perfectly natural. Well, maybe not completely when you go for the longest length ones, like me.

I put mine on just before I went to Barcelona, two and a half weeks later, I’ve still got a good set on, and the pictures show them at two weeks. I would normally say they last 2-3 weeks, before infills are needed. However this all depends on the maintenance. I know mine would look a lot better now, had I not worn mascara with them in Barcelona, (Only for added oomph on the evenings). And I would not recommend wearing mascara with them anyway. You can wear eye make up with them, but just be careful on removal, using an oil free remover, with either a cotton pad or cotton bud, (No rubbing over the eye lashes).

Individual lash extensions are perfect for holidays, and in general I just love the fact I can get up in the mornings, and have one less things to worry about doing.  Although I do have to try and make sure I don’t wake up, face planting the pillow.  I wouldn’t have them on continuously myself, but I like them for special occasions, like Weddings or trips away, and if removed properly, should not cause a problem to your natural lashes. They will either fall out with your own lash, over the 3 week period, or come off with a remover. The alternative home removal, is to steam the face until they come away easily, (Although I would recommend you leave it to the salon professionals). But I do spend about a week after having them taken off, thinking my own lashes are crap. They just look so much shorter.

Overall I just love them! Why can’t these be my natural look? What do you think?

Have you ever or would you ever have individual Lash Extensions?

Lots of Love,
