Indie Sunday - Hit Polish

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi fellow nail polish lovers!!
For this week's installment of Indie Sunday, we have Rachel of Hit Polish!

Isn't she cute?!! I love that beautiful pink hair!!  Let's learn more about her ;0).
When did your love for polish begin?
I have always loved the idea and look of painted nails but I was a nail -biter up until 2 years ago so polish never looked right on my nails. I am so thankful I finally got sick of having stubs for nails lol
What made you decide to start your own polish line? I have been selling on Etsy since 2008 through various shops, so handmade/indie items are not a new concept to me. Back in 2011 I decided to take the plunge and browse for nail polish, but unfortunately my first polish purchase ended up being very disappointing. :( The polishes were made with bleeding and curling glitter and had to be thrown away within a few weeks time. I was extremely put off at the time but decided to turn my disappointment  into a learning experience. I made it my mission to research and figure out how to make quality polish. It took a lot of trial and error, testing, testing and more testing to get everything right. 

Finally back in July of 2012, after 9 months of testing, I started selling polishes in my Bath&Body shop.  This past year has been amazing for Hit Polish, to date I have sold over 11k bottles of polish! and I know its been a bit of a challenge for my fans because I have had a couple of name changes throughout this time but I finally have everything solidified yay! Now I have 2 shops; 1 shop I just opened up on June 2nd of this year on Etsy dedicated to my nail polishes: and I also have my own website in which I opened July 15th this shop is also where I welcome international customers :). What's the inspiration behind the colors you create?Oh my goodness I just have to look around to be inspired; from the animals and flowers we are surrounded by to my children's clothing and tv shows. I carry a notebook with me EVERYWHERE to write ideas down in. Its all inspiration of you simply look around and view it :).How many polishes do you have in your stash?I actually try and not count lol but I do like to keep 1 mini of every polish I've ever created so that's at least 300. Then I LOVE to support my fellow indie artist's and I'm grateful to say I haven't had a bad one since the first so yay! that adds another 75 or so polishes. Then I have all the store bought polishes I use for undies so my guess would be around 450 total beauties :) My oldest daughter "suggests" no-buys for me frequently but I just look at her like shes bumped her head LOL. How can customers follow you on social media? I am very active on my fb page have neglected as of late my pinterest and instagram both of which I'm HitPolishAnything else?I just want your readers to know just how much I appreciate them. I am just one small fish in the indie nail polish ocean but I thank them immensely for taking the time to read this and learn a little bit more about me and my company :).  I strive to continually add new and unique polishes to my lineup on a monthly if not weekly basics because I still have the same drive, determination and passion I had when I first started. I CANNOT WAIT to see what the future holds for Hit Polish. 

As a courtesy to Marisa for offering me this awesome opportunity and all her readers /waves HI! I would like to offer at 15% discount code >>>>THANKSMARISA<<<< valid for 1 week in both of my shops: and don't know about you guys, but it was really fun getting to know more about Rachel and her inspiration.  I don't count my polishes either Rachel (I'd rather not know, lol).  Two of my favorite polishes from Hit Polish are Turq-ish Delight and Tea-Stained Linen (see below).

Rachel really does have some awesome polish combos, so I hope you guys check out her store and take advantage of the discount that she was wonderful enough to give.
Thanks for reading!!