Incoco Real Nail Polish Appliques - Fall 2014 - The Solid Colors

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
I recently received most of the Fall 2014 Collection for review. I've decided to break it up into sections, and today I'll be showing you the solid colors.
Steely Gray: A chic crème gray.

Press Play: A regal crème purple.

Red Velvet: A classic, deep red.

Nightfall: A deep, shimmery navy.

Overall, I like that the colors that Incoco came up with are nice and on trend with the darker vampy shades of Fall Collections.
Usually, I am a HUGE fan of the Incoco Real Nail Polish Appliques but for whatever reason, these solids seemed thicker and less pliable than the other stripes that I have used in the past, which caused some creasing and wrinkling. Luckily I can say that I didn't see that issue as much with the patterned stripes :)

Which of these colors would you rock for fall?
*Products in this post were provided by the manufacturer for my honest review*