While I am in total agreement about the decriminalization of prostitution, there is one area that leaves me unsettled. Indoor sex workers are out of view and can cause no real adverse ramifications on any that may be nearby. But outdoor workers could create discomfort to those within their view and certainly can result in problems for nearby businesses. I have never been a fan of the police and certainly do not like what they do to minorities or the socially disadvantaged, yet as a business owner I can also understand their views as well. Is there a compromise?
Lest you think me unsympathetic, please remember that I’m a property owner and businesswoman myself. But while I understand people worrying about possible damage to their livelihoods, what does selling sex have to do with that? You mean to tell me if a bunch of, say, loud drunks from a neighborhood bar were always pissing in your alley, or students from the local university were having non-commercial sex against the side of your delivery truck, or rude uptown types were letting their mutts shit on your doorstep, that you’d be somehow less impacted than if any of those people were making money from their activities? There are already laws against vagrancy, indecent exposure, littering, loitering, etc that can be used to discourage those who don’t respect others’ rights and won’t respond to clear communication; it isn’t necessary to have a separate law criminalizing their motives for the annoying behavior.
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