In the News (#872)

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

There’s real people being hurt.  But [cops are too] busy playing these goddamn games.  –  Kristen DiAngelo

Droit du Seigneur

Though pimps are not common, a disproportionate number of the ones who do exist are cops:

Seven members of the NYPD were arrested [last] Wednesday in connection with a prostitution and gambling case as part of an investigation dating back to 2015…retired NYPD detective Ludwig Paz…and his wife, a former prostitute, ran brothels located in Queens, Brooklyn and Hempstead, Long Island, along with numerous gambling rooms set up in beauty salons and other businesses.  [Cops] who knew the retired detective then became involved…providing security or information…the suspects have been identified as…Carlos Cruz…Louis Failla…Cliff Nieves…Steven Nieves…Giancarlo Raspanti…Gionanny Rojas-Acosta…[and] Rene Samaniego…

End Demand

But they’re “going after the johns”!

A coalition with the stated mission of disrupting human trafficking in the Sacramento region touted the results of a crackdown on the men who pay for sexual favors.  But the press release…omitted one crucial detail:  Considerably more women are arrested for prostitution-related offenses—contradicting the message that authorities are zeroing in on the men who purportedly fund sexual exploitation…

Bait and Switch

Cops will keep pulling these shenanigans as long as courts let them:

A…man received a stay of imposition Sept. 7…Paul R. Lund was…charged last August with felony prostitution…[after cops] rented a Springfield residence and [fantasy role-played] as 16-year-old females willing to trade sex…for money or narcotics.  Lund’s defense attorney, Jacob Birkholz of Mankato, accused the State of trying to burden shift, using photos of someone age 18 or older, originally claiming the female was 18, then 16…

To Molest and Rape 

A rare example of an appropriate sentence for a rapist cop:

A [typical and representative Ohio] cop convicted of raping four women…was sentenced to 43 years in prison.  The first 33 years of Justin Sanderson’s sentencing are mandatory…and he will not be eligible for early release until the last 10 years.  Sanderson will have to register as a sex offender if he is ever released from prison…

Elephant in the Parlor (#831) 

As long as transactional sex is criminalized and stigmatized, it will be used as a weapon against women:

…the Russian spy who shagged NRA members is yet another sexual fiction created by the feds.  Russian national Maria Butina still stands accused of having failing to file proper paperwork while working as a foreign agent and conspiracy.  But U.S. prosecutors have now admitted that they have no evidence she traded sex for secrets or otherwise acted as a “honeypot“.  The Butina text messages used to make that claim were just jokes, prosecutors now [admit]…Butina’s lawyers “are arguing that the prosecutors’ error is emblematic of a flawed federal case that has wrongly landed their client in pretrial custody”…The alleged error is…incredibly typical for the feds…[who often] tell sordid or scandalous sexual tall tales about suspects, especially when any appearance of transactional sex is concerned.  Butina is lucky that prosecutors have at least acknowledged their mistake publicly…All too often, those who the feds falsely accuse of sexual intrigue and crime do not get that chance…

The Punitive Mindset (#838) 

If there’s anything narrower and meaner than the mind of a prison official, I’m not sure what it might be:

For the last seven years, inmates have stocked the libraries of their personal MP3 players with $2 downloads.  Come January, they’ll be forced to hand it all over because the Florida Department of Corrections signed a new deal with a competing company…the Florida Department of Corrections struck a deal with JPay…to sell profit-driven multimedia tablets to incarcerated people…inmates will have to return the players [they purchased from another company], and they can’t transfer the music they already purchased onto their new devices…The Department of Corrections, meanwhile, has collected $1.4 million in commissions on each song downloaded and other related sales since July 2011…JPay already operates banking accounts and facilitates phone calls at the state-run prisons, charging inmates and their loved ones steep fees for the services…

Perquisites (#848)

Are amateurs really so sheltered that this sort of thing shocks them?

A tour bus company was slammed after footage emerged of young lads being entertained – by COYOTE dancers.  The young men hired the coach…for a trip from Bangkok, Thailand, into neighbouring provinces.  But video taken during the journey onboard the…Bus…with blacked out windows shows passengers cavorting with young women in hot pants and skimpy tops…Video…sparked outrage from [busybodies] who said [other people’s private behavior] was [somehow] inappropriate…

Uncommon Sense (#855)

How countries with healthy ideas about sex react to the Swedish disease:

…the Zurich Women’s Centre…launched its campaign for a ban on prostitution based on the Swedish model…Other NGOs started a counter-campaign called “Sex Work Is Work”, in which they take a stand against a ban and for the rights of sex workers.  Even state-run gender-equality agencies and advisory offices have spoken out against the demands of the Zurich Women’s Centre…A majority of the Swiss media is also sceptical about the Zurich Women’s Centre’s proposal.  A ban on prostitution would be expensive, the Tages-Anzeiger commented:  If the sex trade is made illegal, then it would be necessary to help the women concerned to find new work, or to fund their retraining.  “Anything else would be hypocritical and unfair”…

The Widening Gyre (#869) 

Another entry in the “sex trafficking” scare story invasion of Twitter:

A [New Jersey] teen took to Twitter to formally apologize for initiating a widespread panic with her tweet that [fantasized a shopping mall]…in Toms River was a hot-spot for human trafficking.  The original tweet, posted by Sarah Gascho, stated: “the parking lot on route 37 where ShopRite, staples, Panera, etc. are located is apparently becoming a spot for human traffickers to kidnap victims!!!!!”  The tweet has since been deleted; however, it garnered hundreds of shares and comments on social media prior to being removed…“We have not received any official reports alerting us to any criminal activity of this nature,” stated Toms River Police.  “Please be aware that posting un[approv]ed rumors can rise to causing false public alarm which is a chargeable offense.  If you have been witness to something or feel in danger, call the police, do not post about it”…