In the News (#1173)

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

September 21, 2021 by Maggie McNeill

Denying rights and enabling trafficking are the same thing.
- Jean Bruggeman

The events which eventually led to decriminalization in New South Wales:

Libertarianism Happens To People

Why do people refuse to see injustice until it's inflicted on them?

...Alyssa Reid [was]...a faculty member of [James Madison University], where she met a student named Kathryn the spring of 2013...The following year, Lese graduated from JMU...the pair...eventually...became [lovers]...for two and a half years, living together for much of that time. The relationship ended badly, [then]...almost a year later, on December 4, 2018, Lese filed a Title IX report with JMU...and Reid was accused of engaging in a nonconsensual relationship with her former girlfriend. JMU suspended Reid from teaching. Then, following a hearing where Reid was given no meaningful opportunity to rebut the allegations against her...the university de[cid]ed she had violated an aspect of the sexual misconduct policy that had not even existed during the time period in question... Reid is now suing JMU, as well as the U.S. Department of Education, which pushed colleges and universities to adopt unfair sexual misconduct adjudication policies during the...Obama...presidency...Reid herself strongly believed in the [policies at the time]...but becoming the target of a false accusation has broadened her perspective...

Torture Chamber

"Inappropriate contact with inmate" is such a nice way to say "rape of a caged woman":

Richard Wade Sanders...was arrested [and charged with raping a caged woman. He was also fired from his job as a screw]...

The article was so totally larded with euphemisms and circumlocution, only five words survived my edit.

What Were You All Waiting For? (#568)

About damned time, considering they backed Amnesty six years ago:

...[Cops] love to be the saviour, to do a raid and to rescue the little girls. The criminalisation of sex work is tailor-made for that sort of project. [They've] been given... carte blanche to stroll into any building or business where they think sex work is taking place, to pull over cars, or to arrest people on the street in order to investigate an on-going crime that they [claim] is being committed...and [cops] never want...a [power] taken away from work...[is] a form of work. The people who disagree...usually give moral[istic]...reasons for why they think that. But...FNUSA is grounded in representing workers who are doing dirty, dangerous, unpleasant work. No little girl dreams of being a garment factory worker...or...a poultry processor...yet that is what some little girls end up doing, which is why we must put protections and regulations in place that make their environments less dangerous...even if it's an industry that little girls don't dream of going into, all sex workers deserve protection...and we don't protect workers when we criminalise an industry. We leave them...out in the cold...

Out of Control (#954)

Spooge-based sexual assaults are growing worse:

Thomas Stemen...who stabbed a woman with...a semen-filled syringe last year was sentenced [to 10 years in prison]...In February 2020, surveillance video showed [that Stemen] cre[pt up] behind a young woman...returning a shopping cart at store...and stabbed her...Stemen...also...[tried to stab] a 17-year-old girl in the same supermarket, but he was unsuccessful...Doctors prescribed [the victim] a 30-day mix of preventive medication as she did not know what she [was injected] with, but...police searched Stemen's home and vehicle, and found similar syringes were filled with semen...that...matched Stemen's DNA...

The writing of this article is rather odd, including referring to the 52-year-old Stemens as "elderly".

Torture Chamber (#1123)

Stop faking!

...on May 6, 2019...[Tanya] Suarez...was arrested for being under the influence of [methamphetamine]...she was "acting bizarrely and responding to internal stimuli" during the booking process....[and] started clawing at her eyes. [Screws] her clothes and her acrylic nails with scissors. The...nails cracked, leaving jagged edges...Suarez told the nurse she was bipolar...took psychiatric medication...[and] was having delusions...she...[was locked in a] bare concrete...hole...left naked...and...gouge[d] out her [own] eyes...[while a sow stood at the door recording the whole thing on her cell phone]..."for over a minute...and...never once...intervened in a[ny]...substantial way"...Six minutes later, the jail video shows a different [screw] walking up to Suarez's cell and looking through the window, then watching as Suarez removed her right eye...[the screw then casually walked away to fetch more screws, who were eventually followed by medical staff after Suarez had gouged out her left eye. After both eyeballs were on the floor and Suarez was bleeding profusely from the empty sockets, the screws waited another five to ten minutes to actually do anything]...

I Spy (#1155)

Cops and politicians think barfing out the word "children" excuses any tyranny:

Facebook's plans to allow encrypted messaging across all its platforms could prevent the [government from snooping in millions of people's private communications]...every year...[so executive cop] Rob Jones...[is claiming] the social media company's goal of rolling out end-to-end encryption will stop [cops] from accessing "incisive intelligence" that allows them to rescue abused children...[meanwhile] the home secretary, Priti Patel...step[ped] up her [own] international campaign against encryption...

Nothing infuriates violent, self-important busybodies more than the knowledge that there are private affairs that are none of their business, so they keep trying to convince the masses to share their view of secrecy as a "crime" in and of itself with grossly-exaggerated scare stories, usually involving sex.