In the News (#1136)

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

May 12, 2021 by Maggie McNeill

More work spaces are needed in the Netherlands, not fewer. - The PIC

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Laws are for the peasantry, not the rulers:

...Oregon [politician]...Dave Hunt was cited by Portland police in a...[prostitution] April...Hunt was one of numerous sponsors of a bill [redefin]ing [sex work as] sex trafficking in 2007. In 2011, he also voted for...a...bill creat[ing a new] crime of commercial sexual solicitation, the crime for which he was arrested...The Portland [cop shop] issued a [lot of confused oinking on] May 1, [apparently referr]ing [to ordinary advertising websites as "]known human trafficking websites..."

Guinea Pigs (#938)

Don't be fooled by talk of "human trafficking", "pimps", and "dangerous societal problems"; what they're actually targeting are ordinary escort ads:

Researchers at McGill University and Carnegie Mellon University...have designed an algorithm that [they pretend] detects organized human trafficking activity in online escort advertisements...[the computer geeks fantasize about passive, vegetable-like] victims...[who] have no input into the wording used in the advertisements posted for them by their pimp, who [magic]ally controls over 4 to 6 victims, [pants] Reihaneh Rabbany [while making furtive movementsin his pants]...this[, rather than the ordinary copycat marketing behavior which occurs in every industry,] leads to similar phrasing and duplication among listings which can be used to detect organized activity. The proposed algorithm, called InfoShield, can put millions of advertisements together and highlight the common parts...[to] help [the pigs] identify [sex workers for harassment and arrest]...

Law of the Instrument (#954)

Picture what you'd think of as "sex trafficking", then compare it to this:

...actress Esmé Bianco...was one of the many women, including actress Evan Rachel Wood, who spoke out against...shock rocker...Marilyn Manson...back in February...the...actress filed a lawsuit in the Los Angeles federal court where she claimed [he] raped and sexually battered or around May 2011...According to the lawsuit, [Manson] also...committ[ed] human trafficking when he "employed fraud" in bringing Bianco to the United States to appear in a music video for his song "I Want to Kill You Like They Do in the Movies" and a never-made horror film based on the works of Lewis Carroll called Phantasmagoria ...

Are rape and domestic violence no longer considered sufficiently serious crimes?

The Missing Word (#989)

And yet, that word is still nowhere to be found:

A judge ruled that a former South Carolina restaurant manager who forced a Black man with intellectual disabilities to work more than 100 hours a week without pay, owes [his victim] more than $500,000...Bobby Paul serving a [mere] 10-year prison sentence for [enslav]ing John Christopher Smith...[he] was originally ordered [by an asleep-at-the-wheel judge] to pay Smith [a mere] $273,000, which covered minimum wages and overtime compensation...Federal prosecutors appealed this decision, arguing that Smith should be owed more money because of the delay in receiving appeals court agreed, and ruled...Smith should be awarded...double the pay and overtime...

To Molest and Rape (#1022)

Your government calls this "border protection":

Mesa [Arizona] police said they arrested a [typical and representative] Border Patrol agent...[as] a serial rapist who a[ttacked eight women]...from [July] 1999 through [October] 2001. John Daly III...was..."the East Valley Rapist"...[in] cases...connected by similar suspect behavior and...DNA...[Daly's victims were all] white women between 21 and 41 years old [whose homes he invaded] through open doors and windows...DNA [evidence has already] linked Daly to two of the [rapes]...

The Widening Gyre (#1102)

Innocent people accused of "sex trafficking" by attention-hungry loons are starting to hit back:

A...[Karen] who went viral in December when she accused a Latino couple of attempting to kidnap her children at a local craft store has been charged with two counts of giving false information to police...Katie[ed] two her Instagram account @motherhoodessentials...[in order to] gain...about 4.5 million views...Sadie and Eddie Martinez...were "very happy with the news" of charges filed against Sorensen...

Dutch Threat (#1110)

The Dutch scheme to Disnify De Wallen is no longer merely a scheme:

A sex show, bars, 100 small rooms...5,000 square metres of space [plus hovering bureacrats] will [be part of] Amsterdam's new erotic centre...[to be built in one of] nine possible locations [on] the edge of...Amsterdam...It is part of a [Disnify] Amsterdam's red light district by relocating sex work elsewhere. Mayor Femke Halsema has also stressed that the erotic centre needs to "improve [surveillance] of sex workers" and do more to [infantilize and control them]...The complex will include space for services offering care, as well as...a...[cop] shop...

When one rewards animals for acting a certain way, one shouldn't be surprised when that behavior increases:

...[Gary Watsky] is now suing [Williamson] county [Texas] officials, including former Sheriff Robert Chody, over a SWAT team home invasion that was [staged for the TV] show... Live PD...Watsky's son, Asher, [had] appeared in court just hours before[bu]t Chody [had] "created a culture of indifference to the use of excessive force and disregard for civil liberties" and rewarded the bad behavior of his deputies with gift cards and appearances on the show...this policy...led to an "unlawful no-knock home invasion" that injured him and destroyed his property..."Chody set up a false narrative...that Asher was justify the SWAT team's terror tactics"...sheriff's officials [have admitted to] removing the [new] warrant from the system so no one would see it on the day of his court appearance...

I Spy (#1133)

The word for such "partnerships" to further tyranny is "fascism":

The Biden administration is considering using outside firms to [spy on] Americans online, a...[fascist scheme] that would expand the government's ability to gather intelligence but [violate Constitutional] ...limit[s]...on...federal authorities...The [scheme]...would...allow the [DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA and other federal cop shops and spook houses] to circumvent those [warp]ing [them beyond recognition]...the Biden administration w[ants] to...[utilize] the January 6 attack on the US Capitol [to expand its surveillance and other powers]...