In the News (#1008)

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Drawing a line between “sexual exploitation” and “labour exploitation” in itself suggests that sex work is not work.  –  Borislav Gerasimov

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

The utter vileness of a pig talking dirty to another pig who’s pretending to be a kid cannot be overstated:

A…[DEA pig]…spent his time trying to arrange sex and soliciting naked pictures from [another pig fantasy role-playing as] a 14-year-old boy…Frederick Scheinin…of…Queens…faces charges…of attempting to…produce child pornography.  “As a [thug] at the DEA, Frederick Scheinin’s foremost responsibility was to [persecute minorities for enjoying themselves in a way their rulers don’t like],” said Geoffery Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York…

Drawing Lines

Think we should tell these ninnies that actresses & whores were until recently considered the same profession?

…[minor actresses]…are being propositioned daily by strangers with offers of [money]…for sex [just as they always have been]…”It’s high-end prostitution – it’s just scary”…[some woman named] Tyne-Lexy Clarson [absurdly whined]…after starring in series two of Love Island, an agency emailed, offering her £50,000 for five nights in Dubai…Tyne-Lexy says she refused the offer, but fears that [other less-prudish women might not, and thereby make more than her]…Rosie Williams, who starred in series three of [the same show]…says she was offered £100,000 a year [ie, roughly Maggie McNeill’s rate for a 19-week gig] plus all her clothes and bags, to become a companion to a man in Dubai…she says it is not spoken about in [ninny] circles… “We’re too ashamed”…

To Molest and Rape

Just another typical and representative cop predating on vulnerable women:

A Denver [cop raped]…a woman he first met when he responded to [a domestic violence] call last month…Johnny Leon-Alvarez…[then began to stalk] the victim…[who foolishly agreed to] go…on a date…with [him]…she “tried to say goodnight at the door” [but]…he [pushed his way] into the house…[where] the victim…”was trying to push him off of her”…she also stated “no” and “please stop”…[fortunately her]…roommate…was home…and…heard [the victim] say “no and please stop several times” [so the cop won’t be able to pull the usual cop trick of pretending it was consensual]…

Soap Opera (#735)

The “barcode tattoo” trope isn’t as popular as it was a few years ago, but it’s still often mentioned in cop wanking fantasies about tattoos in general:

[Gullible local news reporters are still parroting ludicrous cop masturbatory fantasies like “]Human trafficking victims are being branded and sold for sex in the Tampa Bay area[” even though the really imaginative prohibitionists have moved on to fantasies about microchips].  “It’s like branding cattle,” [bloviated pig fabulist] Alan Wilkett…[who masturbates while fantasizing about women with cheap tattoos he sees in public]…In some trafficking cases, the tattoo could be a barcode…“written in such a way…that if you scan that with your smart phone it’ll tell you she’s $25 or she’s $30″…[profiteer] Natasha Nascimento…[claimed] she’s seen children branded..”The youngest…I’ve seen…around 11-years-old…had dollar signs…tattooed onto both of her eyelids”…

In reality (as opposed to the weird world of cop masturbatory fantasies), barcodes are so finicky they won’t even work properly if scanned and reprinted.  But this ignoramus thinks a tattoo artist could apply one precisely enough to be read accurately from human skin.  And why the hell would anyone go to all that trouble?  These ugly fantasies of passive, vegetable-like women say a lot more about the prohibitionist who invents them than about any sex workers.

Sex Workers Against Trafficking (#822)

How GAATW became the only “anti-trafficking” organization actually concerned with fighting exploitation:

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) was founded in 1994 by a group of feminists and women’s rights advocates from, mostly, the Global South…[who] had witnessed the struggles of their compatriots with much less privilege than their own…and…heard the stories of working-class migrant women who had undertaken journeys in search of better livelihoods…Their stories…testified to the women’s courage, enterprise, and determination and challenged the stereotype of “the victim of trafficking”…In the beginning, some were uncomfortable with the idea that “sex work is work”.  However, their repeated interactions with individual sex workers and fledgling collectives forced them to question their middle-class mores…

Pyrrhic Victory (#846) 

This dangerous mass surveillance tool won’t long be restricted to persecuting sex workers:

Beaumont, Texas [prosecutors have]…a new software that’s allows them to track ad’s [sic] [by] exploiting [the] human trafficking [hysteria to justify violating civil liberties].  The software is called Traffic Jam…[prosecutor] Kim Duchamp [bragged]…”We can use all kinds of different search parameters for phone number, email, key word searches, location certain date ranges, and…facial recognition”…Duchamp [also shared her sexual fantasies about]…Interstate 10 [and demonized]…”workers here from out of town”…

Pyrrhic Victory (#917) 

Many more people die from scalpels than from meat cleavers:

The EU’s proposal for a temporary ban on facial-recognition technology won backing from Alphabet Chief Executive Sundar Pichai…but got a cool response from Microsoft President Brad Smith…Pichai [admit]ted…that the technology [will] be used for nefarious purposes…but…Smith…[vomited out “the] children[! and called giving pigs and spooks the power to keep all people in a perpetual electronic pig lineup]…“a reasonable alternative that will enable us to…address this problem with a scalpel instead of a meat cleaver”…Smith said it was important to first [wait until governments have established a total surveillance state before trying to] craft rules to [take it away from them]…

Morality Lessons (#953)

Just another typical and representative government thug:

A [typical and representative cop] was convicted on multiple counts for being a distributor and possessing over 4,000 images of…child pornography.  Matthew Laver…was sentenced to [only] 12 years in prison…Even though Laver had quit the police force in [Pennsylvania] three years before being arrested…his [stash of] kiddie porn dated back to his time in the Army and throughout his [career] as a [government thug, during which]…Laver spent 10 years online disseminating…porn which depicted…rape of children as young as infants…the problem of government agents viewing…child pornography on official Department of Defense computers has gotten so out of hand that [politicians can’t even cover it up any more]…an investigation called “Project Flicker”…identified over 5,000 individuals…with DOD…essentially running a child porn network on a government system…

Pyrrhic Victory (#992) 

Still think those toothless facial recognition bans will rebottle the djinni?

…Clearview AI, devised a groundbreaking facial recognition app.  You take a picture of a person, upload it and get to see public photos of that person, along with links to where those photos appeared.  The system — whose backbone is a database of more than three billion images that Clearview claims to have scraped from Facebook, YouTube, Venmo and millions of other websites — goes far beyond anything ever constructed by the United States government or Silicon Valley giants…more than 600 [cop shops] have started using Clearview in the past year…[and] the computer code underlying its app…includes programming language to pair it with augmented-reality glasses; users would potentially be able to identify every person they saw…revealing not just their names but where they lived, what they did and whom they knew…“The weaponization possibilities of this are endless,” said Eric Goldman…of the High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University.  “Imagine a [typical and representative cop] who wants to stalk potential r[ape]…or… blackmail [victims] or [marginalized people to] throw…in jail”…

Torture Chamber (#999)

This will never change as long as screws have absolute power over their victims:

[A typical and representative screw at] Oregon’s only women’s prison…[named] Richard S. Alberts II…faces trial in February on federal drug trafficking charges…[but] Alberts [has a long history of raping and otherwise abusing women while his bosses punish his victims]…Sex abuse and misconduct cases, including about 10 active lawsuits against the state, have plagued the…prison since it opened in 2001 and through seven superintendent changes…convictions have ranged from rape and sexual assault to drug smuggling and [more rape]…prison officials…block…[caged women] from contacting attorneys unless they had existing cases.  After sending the [head screw bureaucrats] a letter threatening to involve the attorney general and governor, lawyer Michelle Burrows was able to contact her clients.  She described the prison as a “cesspool” where victims are punished and abusers are enabled…[rape victims are locked in dark holes] with no windows or clocks for 170 days, and denied meals and showers for days at a time…[they are also] threatened [with being] move[d] to an out-of-state prison away from…family and children if she d[o] not [deny the abuse]…

Disaster (#1000)

In a recent study of sex workers completed by the grassroots sex worker advocacy organization Hacking//Hustling…40% of participants reported experiencing increased violence after FOSTA became law