Important BeautyPopShop Announcement

By Makeupchicliterarygeek @DoriaJM
We have an announcement, which may take some by surprise. After long and careful consideration, as a result of some recent news regarding our oldest and some major appointments this summer for our oldest and youngest, we think it's best if the rack/display portion of BeautyPopShop goes on "pause" during the Summer. As many of you know, our sons both have some additional needs, which require a lot of time and resources. When we launched at the very end of 2011 we had no idea our demand would increase so much with each passing month. In fact, we haven't taken a weekend off since fall of last year! We are beyond grateful for the support you've shown our products and our family. We absolutely love each customer and company that has purchased from us and are so thankful to have been able to provide you with what we feel are attractive, functional polish/cosmetic storage options. While we're not saying we're done, we simply feel that we need to be able to focus as much of our attention as possible on our boys during this critical period of time this summer and with things the way they currently stand, we wouldn't be able to do that.
So what does that mean for BeautyPopShop? Here's a brief breakdown:
1. Customers will be able to place polish rack and makeup rack orders through our site until the end of the day on May 5th. All orders currently being completed as well as those that come in between now and then will be finished and shipped out as usual. After the 5th, customers will only be able to purchase polish, cosmetics, beauty-related items, etc. through our online store. Our etsy shop will go on vacation mode.
2. We currently plan to continue to stock the same (and possibly some new) fabulous polishes, cosmetics, and beauty-related items in our online store and those will remain available for purchase even after the polish and makeup racks are no longer available. Our facebook page, instagram, twitter, etc. will obviously still remain active as our store will still be actively open.
3. We will accept custom polish rack and makeup rack orders when we can, but listings will no longer remain active in our etsy store or in our online store. Those that wish to purchase will be able to contact us through our email as usual.
4. We do not currently have an exact date for when we intend to reopen that portion of the store. As of right now we want to focus all of our energy on wrapping up current and new orders, then see how things progress this summer with our boys.
Again, we're not closing our entire store, just the polish rack and makeup rack portions--nail polish, cosmetics, etc. will remain available. We think this is the best choice for our family at this point in time and we think it will be best for our customers as well. For those that have ordered from us you know we're almost always accessible via email and we work hard to maintain excellent customer service and product quality at all times. We don't want our kids to suffer because of the racks, and we don't want our polish/makeup racks to suffer because our family has to take priority. We hope that many of you will still consider choosing BeautyPopShop for your makeup/polish needs now and organization/display needs once again in the future. As hard as this choice has been, we are finally ready for this difficult, but thoughtfully chosen next step .
Thank you :)Patrick & Doria