Implementing Redirects with Filezilla and MTPutty (On a Sonasi Server)

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

This is our inhouse protocol, it might differ in normal places…

Open FileZilla – connect to M2 server (magento 2, rather than our magento 1 server)

Click domains folder –

Select relevant domain

Select Rewrites

Right Click – Config folder and click View/Edit – Open in a text editor like Sublime

Add redirects in the following format:

#Note to say who did redirects on what date

rewrite ^/rwl-x-la-new-member-starter-pack.html$ /gym-equipment.html permanent;
rewrite ^/rwl-x-la-ultimate-starter-pack-intermediate.html$ /gym-equipment.html permanent;
rewrite ^/rwl-x-la-new-member-dumbbell-pack.html$ /gym-equipment.html permanent;

- Save the file

This will redirect the URL to

and so on…the other 2 below will also redirect to gym-equipment.html


Connect to relevant server – in my case – server 3

type in “ntest” and check for any error messages

if ok – type in “nreload”

That should be it!