Imperfect Grace

By Artbycedar

Here is “Imperfect Grace.”

Imperfect Grace. 16″ x 16″, Oil on Wood,© 2017 Cedar Lee

The lotus flowers strive to reach out of the murky darkness of the water, towards the light.

Imperfect Grace. 16″ x 16″, Oil on Wood,© 2017 Cedar Lee

This painting is similar to my larger piece, “Rise Up,” but in this one, the stems of the first and third flowers are bending in interesting ways on their path upwards.

Detail: Imperfect Grace. 16″ x 16″, Oil on Wood,© 2017 Cedar Lee

The painting is thickly textured, the rivulets of orange paint oozing slowly down into the deep red, brown and purple beneath.

Detail: Imperfect Grace. 16″ x 16″, Oil on Wood,© 2017 Cedar Lee

The flower petals are painted with a palette knife.

Imperfect Grace. 16″ x 16″, Oil on Wood,© 2017 Cedar Lee

Even though the stem of each flower may not be perfectly straight, they all continue upwards into the light, moving on whatever unique path they are able to take.

Imperfect Grace. 16″ x 16″, Oil on Wood,© 2017 Cedar Lee

As the collector who purchased this piece says, “They make a conscious choice to continue on the path towards wholeness. Each looks different; their paths towards the fullest expressions of themselves are all different and all imperfect, yet all beautiful.”