Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner has this cute section she does occasionally called If We Were Having Coffee. In it, she shares a bit about what she has been doing and thinking but going into more detail than the usual little updates. After all, we are complex people, and we don’t get the chance to show all sides of our multi-faceted selves most of the time. I love those posts of hers and wanted to do something similar. Knowing that not everyone loves coffee and sometimes the best conversations with friends happens when there are no concrete plans, I just wanted to hang out with everyone. Therefore…
If we were hanging out…I would tell you that I have a PSL addiction. I think I found the perfect combo with one additional shot of espresso, no whipped cream, and one fewer pumps of pumpkin syrup. It cuts the sweetness and gives me a little extra boost. It is the best combination of sweet and spice and somehow calming. I used to be a huge peppermint mocha fan, but I find those too sweet these days. Give me that bite of cinnamon and clove any day. What is your favorite fall drink?
If we were hanging out…I would lament the fact that my little girl is becoming more and more like a teenager every day, and this makes me want to cry. She used to give me hugs and kisses every day before she left for school and all but talked my ear off on her school day. These days, I barely get an acknowledgement that I am alive most mornings. As for talking, I see more of the back of her phone, a book, or her iPad these days. I am seeing more eyerolls and catching a bit more exasperation in her voice than even a month ago. I know this is part of growing up, but it still breaks my heart that the easy relationship we have had to this point is becoming a bit more fractious. At least for now. I am still hoping it is because she is overwhelmed with school, cross-country, dance, and homework, and that things will ease when the season is over. If not, I will take any and all advice on how to live through the next few years with our close relationship intact. How do you survive a teenage daughter?
If we were hanging out…I would express my concern at the state of the nation. I don’t get how someone as blowhard as Trump can continue to be a viable candidate for the highest position in the country. I do not like the message it sends to the younger generations. I don’t like how someone can blatantly lie and be lauded for it by certain factions within the country. I remain extremely concerned about what it would mean should he actually win, as he strikes me as the type of person who gives no shits about anything other than his own agenda. I don’t see him listening to his advisors or cabinet members. I see him flouting the laws and the limitations of power established by the Constitution and completely ignoring any checks and balances from the other two branches of government. I remain fearful but feel completely helpless in many ways. I will use my voice to vote, but will that be enough? He keeps gaining in the polls, so all indications are no. What else can we do? Is anyone else as worried as I am? How are you dealing with the fear and uncertainty?
If we were hanging out…I would rave about my love of Lularoe leggings. Seriously. Believe every awesome thing you have ever heard about them because they really are that soft and comfortable. I would wear them every day if I felt I could get away with it. I have several long tunics I purchased through Modcloth, another favorite shopping site and have been wearing the leggings on the weekends. I also have one of their Perfect Tees as well as one of their dresses. The versatility is amazing. Even I feel rather creative with all of the ways you can style them. Have you jumped on the Lularoe train yet? What are your favorites?
If we were hanging out…I would tell you how scared I am that hate seems to be the ruling emotion these days. I see it tearing our country apart. I see people getting more vocal about their biases, celebrating them in fact. I see how it has become almost normalized to spew your hatred towards others. How do we teach our kids to stop bullying and accept everyone for their differences when the adult world seems to be degenerating into a schoolyard fight? Is this keeping anyone else awake at night?
If we were hanging out…I would tell you how tired I am these days and how boring my life has become. Work is taking more and more time out of the day and more brainpower/energy. Jim is facing the same with his job. We literally come home, barely have enough energy to cook, flip to see who gets to pick Holly up from dance, and are in bed by 9:30ish, 10 at the latest. On the weekends, we are scrambling to get all the chores done we neglected throughout the week and have no time to do anything fun. Everyone talks about the exhaustion you feel as parents of newborns but no one ever warns you about the bone-deep exhaustion that sets in when you get into upper management in your career and have teenage kids involved in every activity under the sun. What exciting things have you been doing lately? If you have been in my shoes, how did you manage?
If we were hanging out…I would ask you how you are doing. Are you hanging in there? What has you worried or happy? Let’s talk!