I hope you all are having a great Thursday so far.
With the exact thought of my 24th birthday in mind, and looking at the blog, every single day seeing that “Ideas For A 23rd Birthday“, has been the top trending post for about a year now, I figured that I would list for you guys some ideas for a 24th birthday.
Even though you are turning a year older, and your 2 years away from being let off of your families insurance, lets just try and not think about that too much.
So, with that being said, here are some of my favorite ideas in mind of how you can celebrate the perfect 24th birthday.
1. Take a small trip out of town, even if it is a few cities over from where you currently live. What I like to call “A Girls Road Trip”.
2. Get ready to light up the town with a “Girls Night Out”.
3. Make a bucket list/Check one thing off of your bucket list to accomplish for your birthday
4. Share a night with family and your special loved ones