I’ve Got an Announcement!

By Molly @MKPappas

So, I’ve been MIA the last month. Work got super busy and I was making some decisions about my future. I didn’t have the time to dedicate here until I got myself all sorts of organized. And that’s the reason for this blog post…


After so much thought, agonizing consideration and all out panic-attacks, I decided to end my enrollment at Bauman College and instead go back to grad school to pursue a MS in Nutrition and a R.D. designation.

Me at my undergrad graduation

Side note on the picture: This was taken at a time where I was possibly at my most unhealthiest. I still get a little surprised when I see these old pictures because it reminds me how much I didn’t care for my health, and in essence, myself.

A Certified Nutrition Consultant and a Registered Dietitian are two different things (I’m going to do a separate blog post on this later), one big difference being RDs can work in hospitals and nutrition consultants can not. My end goal is to go into clinical nutrition, and I simply can’t do that with a certification alone. I also really struggled with online learning. I didn’t feel as if I was retaining the information like I should be. And even if I could get myself through the entire program, I didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of coaching people with that “level” of education.

This isn’t to say the program isn’t very good and those who graduate from it aren’t excellent at their jobs! It just wasn’t the job for ME. I’m a very indecisive person, and wondered if I would regret dropping out of the program. The good thing is, I haven’t second-guessed the decision once. And that’s how I know I made the best choice for myself.

As for going back to school to become a RD…financing my education is my biggest concern right now (and I think is a great concern for most young adults thinking about going back to school). You can’t get student loans for a second bachelor’s degree (which is what the R.D. program is considered if you take it on its own). However, if I were to go back to school to get my M.S. in Nutrition, I can dual enroll in the R.D. program and could use loans.

There’s so much to figure out on that front, it’s a bit overwhelming. But I’m also excited! First thing I need to do is work on some pre-reqs, so I am going to be taking a class or two per semester at a local community college. I’ll chip away at those for a bit, and then get myself organized to apply for the MS/RD program.


I still don’t know if this is a financially sound decision, nor if I would have the time to juggle everything. I’m frustrated I didn’t realize my passion for fitness & nutrition while I was an undergrad, and I’m frustrated with what little options I have in terms of offered programs and tuition payments. But I try not to let all those thoughts overwhelm me and tackle one task at a time…

Question for the day:
Did you go back to school for a degree unrelated to your Bachelors?