i Promise

By Katyscarlett @_katyscarlett
(my sisters' cat Bill, or as she called him 'Billyclause')
Though I never put it into writing on the blog, I, like the whole population made resolutions for 2012 which included; losing weight (goes without saying), which I did though I didn't manage to keep it off (goes without saying). I planned to save money, which I did, though I then spent it on a luxury holiday, a car and half of Topshop. I vowed to get the ball rolling in regards of things I need to do to emigrate to Australia, so I spoke to an immigration officer and found I needed to do my NVQ Level 3 hairdressing, which I've started and how much money I need to start the process, though I'm still working on the latter. I desperately wanted to learn Spanish, so in October I enrolled on a beginners Spanish course at the Adult Learning Centre, I'm not amazing, but hopefully in a few years I will be. And lastly I was determined to pass my driving test, which I did.

I started 2012 with the attitude of 'positive things happen to positive people' after 2011 was a shockingly bad year for me. I wouldn't say 2012 was the greatest year for me it, as it did have its highs and lows, and contrary to popular opinion I wasn't really phased by the Olympics or the Jubilee.  In January I scored a job working for a major hairdressing chain and assumed it meant my luck was on the up, a few months later I realised I was working for a cowboy who was nothing more than a knock off Nigel rather than the big man he made himself out to be. I finally gave up the ghost on that job in August, thinking I needed to 'feel the fear' (Friends fans know the deal) and lucky enough, two weeks later I scored an even better job.  April saw me FINALLY pass my driving test, third time lucky. I also bought my first car, my little purple beast, that I actually hate but will have to do. September, me and Daniel went on a luxury holiday to Turkey, which was amazing. It also saw me lose my beloved Henry. October I celebrated my 23rd birthday and mine and Daniel's 4th anniversary. November was a pretty awful month as I first lost my cat Ted, just six weeks after Henry, and then exactly two weeks after losing Ted I then lost my baby cat Dobby. December I was pretty slow on the uptake of the Christmas spirit, due to working most of it, but I enjoyed great nights out with new and old friends, and enjoyed spending quality time with Daniel on the few days I had off, plus all the presents and amazing sale bargains helped! I think its pointless making resolutions, mainly because I don't think you need a date to make positive changes in your life, though I do understand the new year, new me mentality. So after reading Laurens' post, I decided that I too would make promises rather than resolutions. I promise: To lose weight and maintain it. I decided last Saturday after TWO Slimming World representatives came into my work to drop off leaflets, that I shall join them soon. To spend less and save more. Pretty self explanatory and I'll be the first to admit that I suffer from major blogger indulgence, constantly reading reviews of the next holy grail product or that amazingly flattering Topshop dress, neither of which I need, both of which I end up buying. Decided an amount that I can afford to save. I'm probably not the only one that does this, but you decide to save, choose to put 40% of your wages into savings, by the week before payday you've spent 30% of your savings because you can't actually afford to save that much! My dad is going to help me work out a realistic budget planner. Use up my products. Again, being a blogger, I have drawers full of foundations and blushers and cleansers. If I don't like it, I'm going to pass it onto someone, if I do like it, why aren't I using it more?! Sell my clothes and shoes! Unwanted and unworn ones that is! I have two massive rails of clothes, two massive cardboard boxes, and a six drawer chest, all bursting and full to the brim, plus over 50 pairs of shoes - I only have one pair of feet! I need to be ruthless and productive and it will earn me money! Say yes more! I find it all to easy to get home from work, pour a glass or 3 of wine and settle down for the night with my iPad. I need to remember I'm 23 not 53! I'm sure I'll add and remove from this list as the year goes on, but for now these are my main promises. So all that is left, is to bid you a wonderful 2013, I hope the best of your past is the worst of your future! What are your resolutions/promises for 2013? Leave me the links to your new year posts as I'd love to read them!