I Popped My MAC Lipstick Cherry.. MAC Rebel.

By Hayley Adams @hayleybethadams

If you read my What I Got for my Birthday post, you'll have seen I received my first ever (shock, horror) MAC lipstick in the shade Rebel!
I've no idea why it took me so long to get my first, but I regret not getting one sooner! I bought this at the counter in Harvey Nichols and the assistant was SO nice, until it came to the end and he was really trying to force me to get the Vino (?) lip liner, which I didn't want at all. He seemed so disappointed in me for not getting it.
I wasn't allowed to use it until my birthday, so as soon as I opened it I was dying to put it on. It has such a creamy consistency, applies like a dream and smells insanely good. I'd seen absolutely everyone raving about it so I was slightly expecting the color change from bullet to lip, but I didn't realize just how pink it would be. I don't own a single straight up, pink lip shade - it's a color I've never been ambitious enough to give a try, but after using this I've been swayed to try many more adventurous shades.
It lasts really well, even through drinking/eating, but I've not put it's stay power completely to the test just yet. I'm planning to wear this for the #SheffieldMeetUp, so lets see how it lasts through a long day of chatting and a lovely meal! What do you think? Think it looks good? I hope so!
Have you tried this? What's your favorite MAC shade? I think I'll be investigating a few more colours!
You can find Hayley Loves on BLOGLOVIN' and TWITTER