I'm Still Here!

By Clairebelle @cbelleoftheball
Hi there,

I'm alive!!

I am so ridiculously sorry that I have not published a blog post in over 3 weeks! My only excuse is that my little man is demanding a lot of attention, I am so tired and am hitting the exercise routine and diet hard (hello weight watchers) to get myself into proper yummy mommy mode so that when the AW13 collections hit the high streets, I'll be able to treat myself to a whole new look :)
I haven't been buying any clothes recently because I want to get back to my pre-baby weight first...well, actually, I'd ideally like to get back to the weight I was on my wedding day (every girl's dream!) and with starting weight watchers and doing zumba and buggy fit twice a week, plus lugging his lordship down, I'm slowly getting there.
I've been treating myself to a lot more beauty products recently, especially face and body products, as I'm finding my skin a lot dryer at the moment, so I will be posting a review of some bits I picked up from LUSH very soon.
In the mean time, please don't give up on me! Normal blogging will resume I promise and I look forward to sharing more of my fashion and beauty thoughts with you soon.
If you fancy some more of my writing, here is a link to my latest fashion feature in Pulse magazine.
Thanks for still following and see you VERY soon! x