I’m Still Here…

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

As I’m sure you’ve all noticed I have not been blogging much recently.  If at all.  I can’t remember the last post I posted but I’m sure it’s been at least a week, maybe two, maybe even three.  I honestly can’t remember.  All the days are starting to blur together.  Anyway, I’ve finally decided to put everything else I have on my to-do list to the side and sit down and write a post.  Things are obviously in need of an update, almost as much as I’m in need of some free time.  Remember how this summer I was complaining about all the down time? Yeah…well, allow me to eat those words.  This semester is going to be one of, if not the, busiest of my life.

Work has been giving me a lot more hours than I expected and I’ve finally had to break down and cut my availability in hopes they’ll start giving some of my shifts away to someone else.  Student teaching has been an adventure.  I’ve already managed to lose someone’s paper, stress out, break down, and get up to do it all over again the next day.  But you know what?  I love it.  No matter how stressful a day is I can leave knowing that this really is the right place for me to be.  I started the semester wondering what I’m going to do when I have to stop going to English classes and writing papers (so I’m applying to grad schools) and now I’m wondering what I’ll do if I can’t find a teaching job.  It’s a nice problem to have, loving what you’re doing so much you aren’t sure what you’d do without it.

Unfortunately with my schedule the way it is I haven’t been able to make much progress with anything else.  I haven’t written anything in the last four weeks unless you count lesson plans and the occasional blog post.  I also haven’t managed to finish a single book, although I have started two.  I need to work on my schedule and see if there’s anyway to carve out some more time for myself, although right now about the only thing I can cut is sleep and the consequences of that aren’t good.

Now that the catching up is over, I’ve got some crafty progress to show you.  Very little crafty progress, but every stitch is something.

The quality of this picture is pretty bad, but you can see I’ve made it into the center of the project.  Most of it was stitching black so it went a lot quicker than the colored areas.  The lack of detail in this piece but number of color changes is driving me crazy.  I guess it’ll be worth it when I finish…we’ll just have to see.

here’s a close up

I really didn’t expect this project to take as long as its taking (mainly because I thought I’d have more time to work on it).  So I’m a little worried about getting my christmas cards and ornaments stitched this year.  I may just have to put this project on hold and start the holiday stitching now…We’ll have to see how this next week goes and then re-evaluate.

Now, my final news before calling it a day for this blog post.  It’s some rather exciting news…  I had a short story published at the end of August in “Yellow Mamma” and that story was read by someone who works at the Sobel Literary Agency, who contacted me asking if I had any novel-length manuscripts finished or in-progress because they are interested in looking at more of my work and considering me for representation.  This is fantastically good news, even if they do not end up choosing to represent me the fact that they are interested at all is phenomenal!

Now, enjoy your weekend, go do something crafty, read a good book, all the things I no longer have enough time for.