I’m on Periscope!!!

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Hey beauty lovers! I hope that you are having a wonderful day! Have you heard of the Periscope app? I am thinking of starting my own Periscope broadcasts. You can see me do my makeup, open my subscription boxes, etc... Would you all be interested in watching them? I think it would be so fun and a way we can all get to know each other more. It is also a way to share our passion for all things beauty and anything else that comes up. I will be broadcasting once a week for now! If my Periscope is a hit, I will broadcast more frequently. If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave them below.

How to follow me:

My Periscope Username: everythingandnothin

Twitter: @eandnblog

Don't have Periscope? Download here: Android, iOS

Bonus: Stay tuned for App Attack!!! to learn more about Periscope