I'm Back!!

By Ipage @xquisite_curls

.....and I know I was missed by the 3 people who landed on my blog by accident! I've missed you too!

   So now that we've gotten the reunion out of the way, I realize that its been about a month or so since I last posted. Much has changed in terms of my maintenance routine. My hair has grown out enough so that I can make little coils with my fingers. I'll add an updated pic to my gallery soon. Let me tell you, being able to "style" my hair has helped tremendously with my boredom due to lack of style options. I even jazzed it up some by pulling one side back with a clip. Oh yeah, I'm feeling pretty.

   When I had left off with the previous blogs, I was cowashing daily and had just discovered castor oil for sealing my hair. It feels like that was ancient history now. I've changed up my washing routine by deep conditioning once a week and cowashing once midweek. I noticed that the daily cowashing didn't add much in terms of moisture, plus I spent too much money buying more bottles of conditioner. I mix my Hello Hydration by Herbal Essence with olive oil and honey. After conditioning I spray my hair with a homemade mixture of Motions Leave-In Conditioner, Water, Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil. Which leads me to...

   Oh My Word, coconut oil is awesome!! Even beyond the hair benefits, I love using it as a face moisturizer. Just a finger dab rubbed into my face while slightly damp after cleansing. Awesome. In my opinion, of course.

   Anyway, after I spray the oil mixture, I use Cantu Shea Butter leave-in cream. After letting the moisturizer set for about 10 minutes I use Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel and then twist up my hair. After studying numerous YouTube videos, I discovered this method is called the LOC method. LOC stands for Liquid (Water or Leave-in), Oil, and Cream. This method helps my hair retain moisture much better than before. I use my oil mixture to moisturize my hair between conditioning, like spritzing a plant.

   Back to the Cantu Shea Butter leave-in cream, I used to really like it but I noticed that they changed the formula. The second ingredient after water is now canola oil, which I'm not too crazy about at all. So now I'm in the market for a new leave-in cream. Do you ladies have any suggestions or recommendations for me? Which is better, a leave-in cream or a curling custard?