I Got My Hair Did!

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hey y'all!
I was feeling a little bit fed up with my hair and wanted a change so I decided to book into the hairdressers and get it cut and coloured by the pro's at Margarets Hair Design in Dumfries! 
First of all, I never get my hair done, I always do it myself which is why it always turns out like a disaster LOL! SO my lovely friend and hair stylist Claire had her work cut out because I am suuuuper fussy about my hair and always know what I want.
I told claire roughly what I was after and then she told me her thoughts 'Holly, no. I dont like it' then we compromised and I let her do what she thought would look good - I asked her to take a few inches off my hair aswell, which if you've ever bleached or highlighted your hair you will know that your hair suffers! 

Stage 1!

Anyways, stage one - Claire sectioned my hair off and backcombed a few inches of hair, applied the pre-lightener to the midlengths and then foiled it. She did this over my entire head and then I was able just to sit and gossip (as you do!) for a while, while the pre lightener was working its magic.
Claire then rinsed the pre lightener off and blowdried the ends, before adding the toner/colour onto the ends. I went for a blondey brown - not really describing it well there but there you go!
When this was done, Claire then put an intense hair repairing mask on my hair, and it was left for a good 10 minutes to work it's magic!

I look really scared haha! Check out the hat!

Claire's glamorous assistant (who is actually her boss!) Margaret washed my hair and worked her hairdresser magic on it and then rinsed it all out and then I was ready for the old blow dry!

Towel on head. Ideal for a selfie.

It took ages to blowdry my hair as it alwaaaaays does, but this is how the color looked (before being cut)...

Oh Hey there new colour!

The color is super nice and not brassy at all which is what I was afraid of. Anyhoo, Claire then went about the task of cutting my hair!
I asked claire to leave my outgrown fringe because I am growing it out completely, and I asked her to make sure the front wasnt shorter than the back (I hate feathered, layered hair at the front on me!) and I also asked her not to make it too short, SO! claire was very obliging (HA!) and did as she was told (LOL!)...

New Dooo

Et Voila! I reeeeally like it and hope you all do too!!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and also if you have any tips on keeping the blonde, blonde!?