“I Found One of Your Videos, That Was the Light in the Darkness”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Dear Diet Doctor Team,

My name is William, as many of your team I am also a physician, I am an anesthesiologist, I'm from Colombia, I live in Bogota (Capital of Colombia), I'm 37 years old, and my first message to you is THANK YOU SO MUCHO, my life has changed a lot since I learned about the LCHF diet and intermittent fasting; the second thing I like to say is. Sorry for my English, I hope you understand everything.

First my story, until November 2016 I was the typical doctor who works too much, eats very bad and sleeps even worse. My weight was 112 kg (224 pounds) and my height is 173 cm (5 foot 8), and BMI nearly 38. I drank a lot of Coke, starches and sugar.

What made me change? Well, I make a trip with my wife in a all-included plan, and my wife and I noticed that I have polydipsia and pilyuria, nothing more. When we came back to Colombia, at my job, I asked a nurse to make me a glucometry, the result was 384 mg/dl (21 mmol/L). I was in shock, I knew what it meant, I was diabetic.

Well, immediately I went to take the rest of my test, cholesterol, glycosylated hemoglobin, renal function, etc. My glycosylated Hb was 9,4, total colesterol was 199, HDL 42, triglycerides 111, the rest of the test was OK.

I spoke to my best friend, he is an internist, he told me I have to start insulin maybe for 1 or 2 months, because I need to break the state of insulin resistance. I started glargine insulin and gluglisine insulin, I took all the advice and recommendations from the ADA, I followed all of his instructions. Well, after a month my glucometries were better, but I was still using insulin, I lost only 5 pound (2 kg), and I have been depressed, because maybe I needed insulin for the rest of my life, and would suffer all the complications of diabetes in the next years.

I also started to lose weight faster, it was incredible, until this date I had lost 30 kg (60 pounds)

Looking for other opinions, I started to look at the internet, after a while, I found one of your videos, that was the light in the darkness, that video changed my mind, I immediately became a member of your site, I stopped all recommendations from the ADA and started to follow all your recommendatios. I started LCHF on December 15th 2016, at day 15 I quit the insulin because my glucometries were very good, at that point I started oral stigliptine/metformin, I'm so happy, because it means that I don't have to puncture my fingers and my belly. Well I also started to lose weight faster, it was incredible, until this date I had lost 30 kg (60 pounds), my actual weight is 82 kg (164 pounds). I repeated my test this month. And here are my results: glycosylated hb 5.5, total cholesterol 146, LDL 93, HDL 37, triglycerides 82. I had been talking with my friend, the internist, and maybe the next month we are gone to suspend the oral medication too.

For all of this I have to thank you for all your information and support. I'll share my pictures, you can use them on your website, I'd like other people to know my story and I hope I can be an inspiration to others.

I like to be a member of your group, I'm also a doctor, I like to share this information for Latin America, I noticed your information is only in English, that's a barrier for people who only speak Spanish. I'd like to become your voice in Latin America and Spanish speaker, because I like to share this information with all, no barriers can exist to this knowledge.


Congratulations to your success, William. We shared your story with the whole Diet Doctor team and everybody feels touched!