I Cannot Afford It… Or Can I?

By Olgadegtyareva @olga_degtyareva

You took care of Christmas presents for all your family members and friends but that one thing that you really wanted for yourself you did not buy. It’s just too expensive. You think you cannot afford it.

I hear it from my clients again and again that they really like and want to buy something for themselves, be that a product or a service, but… cannot afford it.

A young mother shared with me that no expenses for her personal or professional education are included in the family budget (and yet she keeps spending money on her little daughter).

A busy working mom can use some help but thinks she cannot afford to hire a cleaner or a babysitter.

A lovely and passionate master student shared with me she lives off a loan and therefore thinks she does not have any extra money to spend on herself. On top of this she is anxious she needs to get a good job after graduation to pay off her debt.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? You might be not noticing whether you are saying these kinds of things yourself, but you sure notice when your friend does. “I don’t have money to spend”, “I cannot afford it” etc etc…

But what would you say if I tell you that it is NOT TRUE, it is just what you THINK.

Look at yourself again, you DO have money to pay rent, to buy yourself clothes, to buy food and heat your home! You also do have money to spend on other things you recently bought and yes on all those Christmas presents you bought for your family and friends.

And yet when you see that thing you want to buy for yourself you THINK you cannot afford it. The truth is that you CAN (you just choose not to). The thruth is also that there IS money for this, even if it has not reached your bank account yet.

The money is there in form of energy that flows freely (yes start thinking about money as simply energy!) By thinking negatively about money you are building walls and barriers between you and the money flow. If you drop those barriers and start thinking about money positively you will start attracting more of it.

It is like saying on a cloudy day “There is no sun” when we all know there is sun above the clouds. The same is with seeing only the money that is in your bank account – it’s imposing a limit on the money you can have.  There is however wealth beyond this limit that can flow into your life but you are currently blocking this flow by thinking negatively about money.

Here are few tools for shifting your money mindset and starting attracting more money into your life.

1. Stick an image or the name of that thing you want to have into your journal or choose it as your iPhone wallpaper. Look at it often, feel the feeling you are going to have once you got the desired object. An unexpected income WILL turn up and you WILL manifest the product/service in your life.

The way it works is that by looking at the image and experiencing the feeling you start paying more attention on a regular basis to the thing you want. By paying more attention you start noticing the opportunities that would lead to having that thing. The opportunities have always been there but you’ve been ignoring them because your attention was somewhere else. By noticing opportunities you start opening new doors and possibilities to enter your life. And soon you manifest the desired outcome.

I have created a vision board about a year and a half ago with the images of the things I want to be/do and have in my life and many things from this vision board became reality. To name a couple, together with my family I went on a holiday to Malta, and as of today I am an owner of a VW Sharan – yes, the picture of it has been on my vision board as well.

2. Sit down and figure out what would you need to DO to earn the money you need for this one particular thing you would like to have for yourself. For example:

- how many hours of tutoring this will take

- how many articles do you need to write as a freelancing writer

- how many weddings and graduations you need to photograph if you do photography for money

Then just do those things

3. When you are out in nature notice how abundant it is. Look at the river and notice how much water there is and it just keeps coming. Look at how many leaves, conkers, pebbles etc there are. Feel the abundance. Start feeling the same about money.

4. Start shifting your money mindset by allowing some positive thoughts about the money into your day. I know it can be very very difficult as the negative thoughts about money predominate for most of us.

So I would suggest starting watching youtube videos, which is quick enough and easy enough to do on a daily basis. With this you can start getting comfortable with money and opening yourself up to attracting more money into your life.

Here are my two suggestions and you can always look around on youtube and find those that you like and would want to watch every day.

Visualization around money from Secret

Tapping and visualisation around money by Brad Yates

Always always keep in mind WHY exactly you need this money. Keep this concrete goal in mind, be that hiring a cleaner or a babysitter, booking a getaway for your family, getting that new lens for your camera or investing into a coaching program.

And remember:

“Money is simply energy. Energy flows.”

And “to have money you simply have to feel that you have money”

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