I Am Still Alive!

By Kwilliford @ExquisiteEczema
Hi, everyone! I hope this post finds you well.  As you can probably tell by the fact that I haven't posted since January, my life has been a bit hectic over the last few months.  Between school, helping with my mom and grandmother, work, and working out, my free time basically hasn't existed for a long time.  I have been so stressed out and exhausted, but I have made some changes and I am doing a lot better. I honestly have not felt this happy and freed in I don't know how many years.
Needless to say, my blog (even my presence on Instagram) have taken a back seat.  I still have a huge passion for beauty, but now I also love working out and helping with my family.  I finally got my Bachelor's of Science in Biology and a Spanish Minor.  Now I am taking a class and lab that is a required pre-req for the Master's degree I am interested in.  Hopefully sometime soon, I will get started on that and find an awesome job once this semester is over with.  Until then, I am working on easing back into blogging.
I have a couple of posts already lined up, so until then, have a great weekend!