Hypothetical Book for Aspiring Artists

By Artbycedar

Every now and then–with increasing regularity–I’ll get a question from someone online or in my email that boils down to “How do I create an art career?”–a question so vague and huge, I never know exactly what to say. For me, the process has taken a decade so far, is ongoing, and is so complex and multifaceted that I’d have to write a book to say it all. I’ve read many books, exhausted many avenues, learned so many things “the hard way,” and I realize that by throwing myself into this art thing for my entire life, as a natural consequence I’ve become a storehouse of valuable information.

So–I kind of want to write a book of all the step-by-step advice I would give to young/aspiring professional artists, including but not limited to art-making, art education, pricing, showing, marketing, web strategy, presentation, working with galleries, practical business things, and the inner life of an artist. Basically, this is the book I wish I’d had when I was 20, but written in the context of today’s world.

If I wrote this book and made it available as an e-book download for a reasonable price, ≈$10, would you buy it?

If this happens it will be quite a while, as I already have a ton on my plate at the moment, but I’d like to gauge interest.

If you want me to write this book, please comment (on this blog, FB, Twitter, or wherever you’re reading this). And if there’s a topic you’d like covered in this hypothetical book, please drop me a line so I can add it to my hypothetical outline.