
By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Friday, February 03, 2006 at 1:49 PM EST

Anybody will stink if they don’t wash regularly. Some people can go two or three days without washing and don’t smell. Then, there are some who like to walk around smelling funky.

The worse smelling thing on a person can be their breath, underarms, ass, and feet. Men complain about certain women and their strong vaginal odor, some saying that the smell can be so bad that they need to wear a “gas-mask” before engaging into any type of sexual activity with them.

Women often complain about certain men and their balls or behinds smelling like shit because they’re not properly wiping themselves after making a bowel movement. And there are plenty more foul odors that some people carry when they have the nerve to want to lay down with another person.

Is it too much trouble to get into a tub to take a bath or shower? Is it too much trouble to scrub your body with soap and hot or warm water then put on some deodorant?

I’ve smelled people walking down the street, on trains and buses, and in stores. I’m pretty sure that most of these people have water at home they are just plain lazy and nasty.

Last winter, the water pipes busted inside my home but my family and i still made sure that we were able to wash. We bought big bottled water and a few neighbors let us use water from their house and we boiled it to keep clean and smell fresh. So to me there is no excuse to not be clean!
