How To Wear Dark Colors In Spring

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

So I was all excited to write this spring-time post, and then you know what happened? Winter. It’s back. Legit flurries flitting around like I should be happy to see them. Go home flurries, you can’t sit with us! 

And now the weathermen are telling me it’s supposed to be 67 degrees tomorrow. A 30 degree difference from today. The world is going to implode!

But before the Mother Nature-pocalypse commences, perhaps we can get in one more Fit & Fashionable link up? What say ye? 

Ok so, I still haven’t swapped my winter wardrobe for my spring summer gear. My cute flats are still neatly tucked away under my bed while my boots taunt me from the closet and my pastel clothes are slowly getting gray with dust on the top shelf. HOWEVER! I am determined to to start dressing like it’s Spring even if I’m still in Winter clothes. 

How? By convincing myself that dark colors are in-season! 

I don’t care if all the fashion pubs say browns and blacks are a no-no in the spring time. They’re neutral colors, and I’m sticking to them. The trick, though, is to pair dark colors with lighter colors. Brown goes nicely with white. It also pairs really well with light pinks and torquoisey blues. 

It’s still been too cold for flats, but I’m slowly trying to trick Mother Nature by going from my tall boots to booties. Slowly but surely the booties will transition to flats which will transition to sandals! Anywho, if you’re sticking with dark colors, play up the shade variation, like pairing dark brown pants with caramel colored shoes! 

Dark jackets are also always in style no matter the season. I’m sure that’s Vogue-blasphemy (fash-phemy?) but I’m sticking by my love of brown and black bomber jackets. A baby blue leather jacket just doesn’t carry the same level of badassery. 

After all that, do a sun dance (not the film festival, sun dance as in the opposite of a rain dance) and pray that Spring will spring and stay for good! 

Dark colors in Spring. Yay or nay? Learn how to rock them and join the #fitnfashionable Friday LINK…
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Random side note: Don’t forget to check out Maureen’s blog today for the #RockYourCore tummy friendly recipe of the week! 

Alright my spring chickens, time to link up! Snag the badge for your blog and please check out the full link up rules here.  

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An InLinkz Link-up

Let’s Chat: 
Do you rock dark colors year ’round?
Is it Spring yet in your neck of the woods?
Favorite color to wear in Spring. GO!