How would you respond if someone challenged you to Reach Higher in your career and life transition? In our Love Your Work and Life Ladies community, we are asking ourselves this question this week thanks to our guest expert, Linda Rosetti.
Our special guest this week, Linda Rossetti, Harvard MBA, tech start up CEO, and author of the book, Women and Transition: Reinventing Work and Life, offers a fresh and provocative view of transitions over the arc of women's lives.
Here's what she has to say: "In my work with women over the past several years I've observed that too often women are reluctant to reach when setting goals for themselves.
I heard this repeatedly as I interviewed more than 200 women in writing my book, Women & Transition: Reinventing Work and Life.
Anna and I decided to rock this observation in the form of a challenge.
Join us to create a "Belief Board" by commenting on this post with a statement of how you might Reach Higher in your transition.
Let's see if we can together engage more of who we are and contribute our greatest potential to this world."
Along with reaching higher, Linda also has some excellent tips for navigating transitions in our lives. 90% of women expect to transition again in the next 5 years. She says that transitions are widely misinterpreted as failures instead of growth opportunities. If you perceive your transition as a failure, it can have a negative effect by making you stall, disengage or retreat from living the life that you imagined.
Don't do this!
Transitions require us to re-examine our assumptions about our identity and force us to really evaluate what is important to us. Many of us realize that what we were doing no longer holds the meaning that it once did so we need some tools to navigate the transitions in front of us.
[Related: The One Thing That Could Be Ruining Your Career]
So we challenge you to reach higher, determine what truly is important to you in your work and to get comfortable with transition in your life. Don't let it hold you back from the life you are meant to have.
How would you respond if someone challenged you to Reach Higher?