How To Survive The Big Board’s?

Posted on the 25 February 2013 by Medicalminds @Sarina_Med

 How to survive the Big Board’s?

  1. Find something that keeps you engaged while you are not studying. Alternate that “Thing” between your study time and relaxing time. Reward yourselves after studying with that very “thing”.
  2. Eat well and don’t decide to jump into caffeine if you haven’t before. You might be better off without it. The excess brain hyper-stimulation can make you lose your mind!
  3.  Dissolve any conflict that you ever had with anyone. Make a start; trust me the other party that you were angry with, would be looking forward to that too!
  4. How To Survive The Big Board’s?Consistently stay positive, I had a collection of positive pictures popping in my facebook page and mobile. Exams can bring so much negativity that you would not have thought before, so brace yourselves and get prepared!
  5. Take deep breaths and finish what you started. Either, decide to study a small portion of a topic for a day so that you can finish that, but don’t decide to finish the entire syllabus in the same day. What happens when you can’t finish that syllabus? You get angry with yourselves and you don’t want to do that. Your brain is your power house, which got you into med school and you don’t want to insult it!
  6. Right before the exams, show your confidence, trust and believe in your studying and stay positive and do not drift away from what you prepared. Stays tuned with new developments in the exam hall and keep your confidence level high!
  7. Sing. Yes folks, just when things seem be black. Release it with the loud repetition of a song. It actually helps to release serotonin, the happy hormone.
  8. Studying for months can make you a different person. So you need to explain this to your near and dear ones about how you feel and make them understand how you pass your days. If they love you, they would probably understand you and would defiantly support you!
  9. Change you study pattern, either verbally study or write down what you memorized. Each of these methods helps you to stay focused rather than blind reading without recall.
  10. Last but not the least, must do three things: RECALL, RECALL, and RECALL!