How to Remove That Liquid Lipstick Without Gagging (plus a Mini Review of Absolute NY Lip Balm)

By Ladydevz @Ladydevzz
If you're like me and absolutely hate having to clean lips with wipes or toners that tastes YUKKK, then be of good cheer - cos I've found something that helps. So meet your new lipstick remover ..... Drum rolls please........ ....... Your lip balm. That's easy right?  Oh, You dont belive me? I've got pics for you darling and here it goes.

Lip balm over NYX's lip lingerie in some shade I cant remember. Apply thickly and smooth it over your lips and massage lightly.

Leave it for 5-10 secs and then wipe it off with a soft cotton pad. No water necessary.

You can see the amount of products removed in one wipe. Gently continue. Reapply lip balm as needed.

The best part is - it helps in 2 ways: no yukky taste left and your lips get a small massage and treatment from the lip balm.
I've found that this works best with a lip balm with a glossier or softer texture as it is easier to massage that type in.

Mini Review: This lip balm has no lasting benefits but tastes and smells okay. The real problem are the shimmers in the lip balm. The hydration provided is not that good and it doesnt last much. So this actually makes for a good lip balm-cleanser :)

So what do you think?
Try and let me know!