Do you get the credit you deserve at your job? Whether you wish you made a little more, or just got a little more recognition, not feeling appreciated can make working tough. Though you aren't entirely responsible for seeking that recognition, it's still important to ask yourself if you're really bragging enough to warrant it.
Many people shy away from flaunting their successes, though a healthy dose of self-promotion is necessary at work. So if you've been a crucial member in a project, or innovated a better way to complete a process, don't be afraid to mention this to your boss in a casual way. Better yet, start sending weekly or monthly progress updates to your direct manager so they stay looped into all that you do.
This doesn't mean you have to constantly be touting your wins, on the lookout for chances to prove yourself. It simply means that you should have a clear understanding of how your work impacts the company's bottom line, and be able to communicate that regularly. There's also the added bonus that you're sure to get a boost of motivation and job satisfaction once you know your work makes a difference.
For tips on how you can prove your worth at work, check out this infographic by Turbo: